Ayushi and Dreamers

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Ayushi's POV (13.09.21)

I woke up with a small smile which soon turned into a grin. Reason?

It's 13 September today!

It's Niall freaking Horan's birthday!!

Yay! I mean even though we have already celebrated it at midnight the excitement doesn't really wear off. And there's something more I'm looking forward to.

Yes, you guessed it right! The winners will be announced soon. Maybe they are already announced! I have my To-do list ready. I'll retweet their results tweet so more people know about it. And then I'll try and search the lucky ones online. If and when I find them (*I guess it won't be that hard) I'm going to congratulate them and then follow them for any updates on the band. Following this would be a lazy day as we have no classes today.

Double Yay!

Usually, it would've been her bursting in my room and shouting what an awesome day it is and she's happy today and the world is such a beautiful place. Yes, we can be dramatic when we want!

I guess Niall has tweeted or something. Nothing else would've stopped her from being a bunny on drugs on his birthday. I better go and tease Ananya about it. It'll be fun. It's not always that I can tease her. So, I better cash this opportunity well. But before that, I head to my bathroom.

I freshen up and after brushing my teeth make my way to the kitchen. As soon as I enter our kitchen I see Ananya on the island counter.

"Good Morning!" I say cheerfully but she doesn't reply. I look at her and realize that she is staring at her phone unblinking. Guess she has zoned out as usual.

"Ananya?" I say shaking her a bit which breaks her trance.

She looks at me shocked. And then I see a small smile form on her face which morphs into a full blown grin.

She jumps off the counter and hugs me tightly. Weird! Before I can even hug her back she pulls away and her eyes are full of excitement. I just stand dumbfounded. Is she okay?

"Oh my god! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! God! This is a dream come true! We did it babes. You did it. How are you so calm? I'm so jittery and jumpy right now. I still can't believe my eyes. Wait, did I imagine it? I hope my eyes are not playing tricks on me. What did we do to deserve it? Of course I'm an idiot. You are such a good person! You deserve this. I'm so happy for you Ayushi I'm so very happy. It is such big news! Why haven't you yet reacted? I need to retweet it and favorite it! I'm going to take a screen shot. Oh Goodness. You are so lucky Ayushi! It's a miracle. It is so hard to believe that one of us won it. Is this real? Pinch me will you?"

I pinched her quite hard. Not because I wanted to tell her that this is real, I pinched her because I wanted to know what 'this' she is talking about is. And to shut her up. She said all that in one go and all I got were bits like 'happy' 'hard to believe' and something about retweeting.

She needs to learn to speak!

" Ouch!" She rubbed her hand painfully but still smiled. "You didn't have to pinch that hard."

"I had too because that was the only way to shut you up. Tell me, why are you so hyper early in the morning. And what was that express? I didn't catch one word." I said and she looked at me thoughtfully.

"Wait, you haven't checked your Twitter or mail yet?" She asked to which I shook my head. She looked at me for a second as if considering her next words.

"Okay Ayushi, I need you to sit down. Let's go to the living room." She all but dragged me over there.

"Now what I'm going to tell you may seem like a joke- a nasty one at that. It may seem like I'm fooling you, trapping you and that all this is a part of a prank. But, I need you to trust me okay? I need you to believe in every word I say and I need you to register them in your brain and heart. This is real. What I'm going to tell you is true- though unbelievable yet true. You get me?" she asked with that mysterious look on her face.

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