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Marinette's Pov


"Uggh"I groaned as I shut off my alarm.I don't feel like going to school today.Ever since I was 12 Chole has been bullying me.The only thing I do look forward to are my friends Adrien, Alya, and Nino other than that I probably wouldn't be here.

I got out of bed and headed towards my closet to pick an outfit.I ended up grabbing a pink shirt with the words Princess written in cursive,a black skater skirt,knee high black socks,and black heeled combat boots.I grabbed my choker and my bag near my desk and headed downstairs.As I put on my choker I started heading out the door only to be stopped by my mom.

"Sweetie would you like a croissant befor you leave?"I looked at her and gave her a small shake of my head."It's not good to skip breakfest and you know it" my mom said as she walked over to me and tried to place the croissant in my hand."Mom you know why I wont eat it so please stop"I said as I shoved her hand away and turned around to head out the door towards school.

 When I reached the foot of the steps I heard a high squaked voice and turned around"Oh Chloe, what a nice suprise."I said sarcastically."So trash,close to dying yet because the sooner your gone the better."Chloe said as I tried to hold back tears."N-noo I h-have people wh-ho care about m-me s-so if I were t-to take my life they would miss m-me."Chloe just looked at me and laughed"Really,like who Adrien,as if,he probably just pities you.Well I am done talking to you,oh and Marinette you should probably skip lunch today,your looking a bit chubby."and with that  She shoved my head onto the steps and headed up the stairs."Oww"I mutterd to my self quietly.

I headed towards class and heard someone call my name.I turned my head to see Alya,Nino and Adrien.I dabbed my tears and plasterd on a fake smile."Hey Adrien,Alya and Nino!"They walked up to me and we walked into class

As we enterd Chole came up to Adrien and wrapped her arms around his neck.She then attempted to give him a very sloppy kiss on the cheek."Hey Chloe"Adrien said as he tried to pry Chole off of him."Hey Adrikins do you want to come over today"Chloe said as she twirled her her hair that was loose from her ponytail while giving me a side glare."Sorry Chlo not today I um have a photo shoot."Oh okay"She said as the bell rang.

"Okay class settle down.You all have an upcoming assignment that wil be worth 30% of your grade.The task is you have to design an outfit that will be featured in Gabriel Agrest's magazine.Now I know some of you may think it's unfair and that Gabriel will pick Adrien,but I have it figured out.He wont know which look is whos until after he's picked a winner."Miss Bustier said

"Everybody will be put into pairs.The pairs are Myl'ene and Ivan,Alix and Kim" "No whyyy"Kim whinned like a little boy.Alix then turned around"Hey I am not that bad if any one should be complaing it should be me"Alix then stuck out her toung and turned back around."Okay then,lets continue.Max and Rose will be partners,Juleka and Nathaniel,Nino and Alya,Sabrina and Chloe and lastly Adrien and Marinette."

I was pretty exited to be partners with Adrien.Him and I have become good friends and even though I don't stutter around him any more it doesn't mean that my crush on him has gone away.I am suprised at the fact that Chloe didn't complain about how she should me Adrikins partner.My thought were interupted when Miss Bustier spoke again"The design must be done by the end of two weeks,and the theme is animals.Everybody go work with your partner.

"Hey Adrien"I said as I tapped on his shoulder"Oh,Marinette come down here and we can start sketching out some designs."I just nodded and grabbed my sketchbook."So what animal do you want to base out outfit on?"I asked He put his finger on his chin,"I know" he said as he snapped his fingers."How about a cat?"I looked at him as if he was crazy.Why would he pick a cat I mean there are thousands of animals in the world and he choose a cat."How about a ladybug"Adrien starred at me and shook his head"No,I want to do a cat"He said as he grabbed my sketchbook and started sketching something out on the paper."I think the dress should be about knee lenght in the front and have a long ruffeld tail in the back."He said as he handed me his sketch."Okay,but what about the animal?"I reminded him"I thought we already agreed on the cat."He said with a confused look on his face."No we didn't." "Yes we did" "Did not" "Did too"

We kept arguing until the bell rang."This isn't over Agrest, see you later today  5:00 don't be late"

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