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2 weeks later

Alya hasn't spoken to me since she walked in on me. Nino has been trying to talk to her but everytime he approaches her she waves him away. Adrien has been very protective. He hasn't left my side and is stuck to me like glue.

Whenever I have to use the bathroom he insists that he comes in with me  I told him that, that would  be kinda of creepy and that the worst that could happen would be that I flushed my phone down the toilet. 

But to compromise I said that He can wait right by the door, but if anyone yelled or questioned him it wasn't my fault.

Even though Adrien tries his best to protect me, Chloe still tries torments me in any way she can.

I try not to cut, honestly I do, but it's  just so hard. It's hard not to believe what other people say. If you get told that you are ugly, fat, and useless all the time, it comes to a point where you have no choice but to believe them.

"Hey Adrien" I said as I walked into class. "Hey Marinette, is it okay that you sit next to me because you know..."

"No need to finish I understand." I took my seat next to him and at the same time Miss Bustier walked in.

" Okay class we have a field trip to California coming up. I know its in the US. But who cares? We will be visiting Magic Mountain. I just need you guys to sign this permisosson slip. Marinette can you come pass these out to your fellow students" Miss Bustier asked.

"Miss" I heard Alya pipe up. " Yes Alya?"  What Alya said next surprised me. " I don't think Marinette has the brain compasity to do the task you just asked."

" Wow Mari-trash, way to go even your best friend thinks you suck!" Chloe spoke while giving me the thumbs down.

"Alya thats inappropriate behavior" Miss Bustier said. "Yeah Alya what was that for?" Nino asked. " Well have you seen Marinette she is weak and pathetic I mean come one doesn't anyone think its weird that all she wears is long sleeves and pants!"

"Alya leave me alone!! What happened to the kind sweet girl that I used to be friends with." I yelled at her.

"What do you mean used to?" Alya asked her voice going quiet. " I mean that you were my bff, what do you think that after the sudden outburst and you insulting me that I would stay friends with you please as if!" I responded.

I was furious does she really believe that I would want to be friends with her, she is just as bad as Chloe. I don't even need her, I have Nino and Adrien

"Um well, Marrinete can you just...." Miss Bustier stuttered out. " Yeah, yeah I get it."

I went around and passed out the slip and gave two to Nino so he could hand it to Alya, and I threw the slips at Chloe.

"Hey Mari, you okay?" Adrien asked. "Don't call me Mari please, it's what Alya used to call me."

"Oh, okay what about princess?"

"I mean I would like to call you princess. Is that okay?" He asked " You know what Adrien princess seems purr-fect.

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