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I slowly opened my eyes and noticed a bright light shining on my face. I didn't realize where I was until I saw one of the school nurses walking towards me. " Hey sweetie you alright?" She asked as she helped me sit up.

"Yes, I'm fine,although could I maybe have a glass of water?" I asked her. "Yes, of course." When she left Alya came busting through the door. " Oh my gosh Mari are you okay?" She said as she broughtme into a big bear hug. "What happened to you?" My eyes waunderd around as I tried to come up with an excuse." I uh was running and well I didn't realize where I was going, and I uh crashed into a pole?"

"Oh, typical Mari, always running into things" she said while giving me a slap on the back"

"Yeah, typical me" I said quietly to myself. " What was that" I looked at Alya theb looked away "huh of nothing"

"Okay well I'm going to tell the boys that you are okay. See you in a bit" and with that she headed out the door. Sometimes I just wish that I could tell my friends about Chloe. The thing that's holding me back is that I don't want them to worry about me. I also don't want them think that I am weak and that I need their protection 24/7.

I thanked the nurse when she finally came back with my water and headed out the door. I really didn't want to head back into class but, I knew that had no choice. I had my hand on the door knob andwas about to go in when I heard my cellphone ring

"Hello, yes this is Marinette, wait what, no, your lying No" I screamed as I fell to the floor, No!!"

Small I know, but school is almost out, so I'll be able to write more

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