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I stretched my arms and jumped out of bed. I went to my drawers and pulled out a my nylons, black crop top with the word meow  written in cursive, and my same black shorts from yesterday.

"Alix get up, get up, breakfast time." I yelled as I jumped around like a maniac. I like the idea of Marinette having a good relationship with Alix, don't you?

"Mari, please" Alix said as she got up. My smile dropped and I almost fell into tears, almost.

"Hey, Alix can you not call me that. Alya used to call me that and..."

"Hey, I get It" Alix spoke as she put one hand on my shoulder or at least tried to. " I don't have another name to call you, but I'll tell you when I think of one"


"Hey Adrien" I said once I approached the buffet table. "Oh, hey Princess, did you sleep well?"

"Yah, I did" I replied. I looked over the table deciding on what to eat. There were pancakes, creepes, french toast, eggs, and bacon. For the toppings there was whipped cream, different types of jam, and syrup.

Since I haven't had much food lately I decided that it was okay to go a bit crazy. I grabbed two pancakes and strawberry jam, and then swirled lots and lots of whipped cream.

"Wow Princess a little to much don't you say?"

"Nope absolutely not." I looked over at Adrien's plate. It was so sad,  he obviously was trying to stay on his diet. 

We decided to go over and sit with Alix, Kim, and Max. "Hey Kim, give me my cap back" Alix yelled. "Nuh-uh, no one makes fun of me and gets away with it."

"Ugh you know what, you know what?!" Alix spoke "What wha...." I had to blink twice because I wasn't sure if what I saw was correct. Alix grabbed Kim by the collar of his sweater and kissed him. Kims face was priceless, he was a blushing mess.

"Well uh... here you go.." Kim stuttered out. "Thanks Kim." Alix said as she winked. "Well what a drastic turn of events" Max said as he adjusted his glasses.


"We're here we're finally here!!" I screeched. "Marinette calm down" Adrien said as he tried to place his hands on my shoulder to keep me from jumping around.

"But I can't Adrien, I can't! Oh! I want a funnel cake paw-lease!" I gave him my biggest and best baby doll eyes. "Alright but wait, was that.... a cat pun?" Adrien asked.

"What,  no.. it doesn't matter." 

Adrien's POV

I thought that we were just getting funnel cake, but no, I was wrong. About 2 bags of popcorn, 1 bag of cotton candy, six bags of candy and 2 hours later. We finally were able to go on a ride.

Marinette grabbed my hand and ran towards the ride Full Throttle ( I'm going to bold the name of the rides)

After another hour of waiting in line, it was finally our turn. We buckled ourselves up and I prepared my self for what was about to come.

" Sending you off in three, two, one." The operator spoke into the speaker. " No, no ,no, aghh!!!"


"That wasn't so bad, now was it Adrien?" Marinette asked. To be honest yes it was, but I couldn't tell her that. " Nah it wasn't even thay scary."

"Sure, thats why you were flalling
Is that even a word? Your arms around like a little child yelling death is upon us tell my dad I and then the ride ended.

"Whatever" Adriend said as if he was trying to brush it off. "Alright next ride, lets go on Goliath." Marinette pulled my hand again, great is this how its going to be all day.

Just as we were about to go towards the ride we ran into Sabrina, Chloe, and Alya. What the hell was she doing there with those witches.

"Adrikins" Chloe screeched, as she lunged herself ontop of him in attempt to kiss him. "Chloe please get off of me, I don't like you like that.

" Oh course you do, no need to hide it from trash over there , she is probably used to disappointment." Chloe then turned and looked at me.

"I mean first of all you think that you can become a world famous designer, which is obviously not going to happen. Next you lost your friend, and lastly your crush doesn't like you."

"Chloe leave her alone, I love her and you have just lost the little bit of respect that I still had for you. You are no longer my friend. Now exscuse us we need to go." Adrien said as he interlocked our hands and proceeded to walk towards our destination.

"Your pathetic Marinette and don't you forget it!" Alya yelled out.

Marinette's POV

Why can't they both just leave me alone?

Hope you guys liked it! I may or may not be working on another chapter so enjoy for now. In the next chapter there will be more rides, more,drama, and of course more Adrinette cuteness!

💙 MiraculousLover13

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