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Adrien's Pov

I wish that I could cleanse my eyes and turn back time because what I saw was horrifying. Marinette was holding a razor to her thigh and was in the middle of making a cut. From what I could tell there was blood dripping down her leg and onto her pink carpet. Marinette dropped her razor and froze once she saw our faces.

" Mari...Uh..Marinette" Alya stutterd out. " What the hell are you doing to yourself?!" Nino chimed in I honestly didn't know what to say. I cant believe that she would do something like this. I may not know a lot but what I do know is that she wouldn't have cut her self for no reason. Something is going on, something big. Well no dure Adrien!!

"Mari do you have a first aid kit?" She  responded by giving a little nod and pointed towards her bathroom. "Alright Alya you go get the first aid kit, Nino go down stairs and ask for some water and try and talk to Marinette." I walked over to Mari and looked at her cuts. " Adrien, I....I am sorry." Marinette said with tears dripping downher cheeck.

" Hey, hey its okay come here." I embraced her into to hug and then brought her over to her chaise At least thats what I think people call it

Alya came back with the first aid kit but then open the hatch and walked out. Not a single word escaped her lips. Nino came back with the water and sat on the left side of Mari.

"Why did Alya leave is she mad." I heard Marinette whisper. I didn't know myself so I just made something up myself" No... I don't think so, I think that maybe she was just shocked"

"But..you were shocked right? You didn't leave." She did, I guess she doesn't care about me." Look dudete I don't think she hates you either, I think that she is upset that you didn't tell her what was going on. I think that she thought you trusted her enough to help you." Nino stated

" I do it's just... I couldn't." Marinette responded. "Hey how about you just tell us what happend, okay?" Mari took a deep breath before replying"Alright, it's now or never"

Marinette's Pov

I cant believe that I am going to tell them. They deserve to know but what if they react like Alya did. What if after I tell them that they think I am just some talentless piece of crap that is needy and seeking attetion. I knew that if I held it in any longer they would start to think things that well I don't want then to think.

"So.. you know that beautiful girl with heavy blue eyeshadow and enough pink lipgloss to last a life time." Adrien looked confused but then snapped his fingers as if he was trying to say he got it." Ahah you mean Chloe"

"Yeah Chloe, well every since 7th grade Chloe has made it her mission to make my life miserable. With the constant teasing and name calling it was really annoying. Nothing serious started happening until this year. She  called me fat and stupid, and other  really nasty things. It got to a point where I couldn't take it anymore
I was tired of Chloe's nagging about how worthles and useless I was that I started cutting my self hoping that the pain that she had caused me would go away. On top of that Maman was killed." 

"Wait hold, your mom is dead, thats why your dad looked so not his normal cheery self."  I only nodded my head" Wait so all those times I left you with Chloe she was making fun of you?" Adrien asked tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Yes, she was" I replied. "Wait, so this is all my fault!!! I could have prevented all of this! No wonder Chloe always tried to lure me away, ughh I am such an idiot!"Adrien screamed slamming his hands against the chaise."It's..all my fault" He was practically bawling his eyes out. I didn't want this, I don't want any of my friends thinking its their fault. I don't want Adrien to think that I needed his protection in order to be okay. " Adrien its not..."

"Yes, it is my fault if I haven't have listen to Chloe then she wouldn't have had the opportunity to hurt you."

"I knew something was wrong with you today, you thought that you could fool me" Nino finally piped up

"Well Nino I have been like this for a while it's funny really how much you thought you knew"

Welp this was sad. Sorry about the lack of updates. I will try to work on it. Shout out to all of you who can manage to post multiple chapters in a day!✌

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