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"Hey you alright?" Adrien asked as he slung an arm around my shoulder. " Yeah I guess." I really wish I had my razor right now.

"Don't let those brats ruin our trip alright?"

"Alright, you know Alix told me the same thing"I replied back

"Really? Well I guess you should really listen then" He responded.

When we got into the line for Goliath I saw the most cutetest, well second cutetest boy ever. He had floppy brown hai that held a pair of black sunglasses and from what I could tell he had blue eyes. He was wearing a blue muscle top and black basketball shorts.

"Hello cutie" the mystery boy said as he grabbed my hand. "Hi..." I said with a questioning tone.

"Sorry if this comes off weird but you have the most beutiful eyes. It's like looking into an ocean." He said as he planted a kiss ontop of my hand that he was still holding.

I kindly took away my hand. I was so confused, you don't just grab someones hand and kiss it, do you? I'm just going to assume that it's an American thing. "Oh, uh thanks, um I'm sorry but what's your name?" I asked.

"Kayden, my name is Kayden" he responded.

"Well um, it was nice to meet you" was all I said before turning my attention towards Adrien.

"Adrien, hey are you okay?" I asked. His face was all red and he was clenching his fist so hard that his knuckles were turning white. I don't understand why he looks all red and oh, wait is he, is he jealous?

No he can't be can he? "Yeah Marinette, I'm just peachy!" He said sarcastically. "No your not, c'mon tell me what's wrong. "Nothing is wrong Marinette, can you please stop asking?"

"Okay fine but one more question. Are you jealous?" Adrien blinked a couple times, adjusted his shirt, and coughed a couple of times before answering.

"No, what gave you that impression? He asked becoming  even more red. "I don't know maybe it's because you look as red as Nathaniel's hair." I responded.

I felt someone tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Kayden smiling brightly at me. "I realized that you did not give me your name."

"Her name's Marinette now can you leave us alone."Adrien said before grabbing my waist and pulling me close towards him.

"Woah, woah no need to be snappy." Kayden said while putting both his hands up like he was surrendering. "I just wanted to know her name that's it, oh and maybe her phone number"

"Well you know her name and there is no way in hell that she will be giving you her phone number! Marinette is mine, M-I-N-E, mine!"

Adrien then turned me so that we were facing each other grabbed my chin and forced his lips onto mine. Damn Adrien is hot when he gets jealous

He pulled away, gave me a wink a turned towards Kayden with a smug look on his face.

"Okay bro, sorry I'll leave you to alone" Those were the last words that Kayden spoke us the entire time we were in line.


"Adrien you can't just grab my face and kiss it because your jealous,but don't get me wrong it was a really good kiss." I said blushing

"I'm sorry, princess, but.... wait you enjoyed?"

"Yes, I liked it but next time warn me."

"Okay I will. Hey Marinette?" Adrien said with a smirk

"Yes Adrien" I asked.  "Can I kiss you please?"

"No" I said with a smirk. "What why? Princess please??" Adrien whinned. "No this is your punishment." I replied. "Ugh meanie"Adrien pouted


We headed towards Gold rush because it was lunch time and I was very hungry.

After lots and lots of arguing we decided to share a basket of chicken nuggets and sprite.

We munched our little hearts away and made our way towards our next ride.

We ended up by Tatsu and Roaring Rapids, where we saw a good chunk of our class mates. "Aww look at Alix and Kim." I said pointing towards our classmates. "Don't they look adorable" I squealed.

"No, not at all, they look like they want to kill each other." Adrien replied.

"Just be glad I don't kill you" I said as I socked his shoulder.

"Ow that hurt!! Marinette!"
Adrien wined

"Sorry, I'm not sorry being so bad has got me feeling so good...." Adrien interrupted me before I could finish.

"Stop just stop" Adrien said as he shook his head. He then proceeded to wrap his arms around me giving me a sweet and warm hug, which I very much enjoyed. I wrapped my arms aback around him snuggling into his chest." I love you" I whispered into his chest. " Huh" Adrien asked a little confused. " Oh nothing" I replied smiling.  

I am so very sorry for the lack of updates. I am just such a mess right now and honestly don't know when I will be able to publish another chapter. I am not going to give up on this story in case that was what you were thinking. I just need to get my self right. I hope you understand. I know I keep saying this and I am very sorry, seriously I feel really bad. I'm glad that you guys have still stuck with me. I thought I was okay, but turns out I'm not. I'll try to get the next one out as soon as can I just don't know when that will be.

I love you all

MiraculousLover13 signing out

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