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Marinette's POV

I really don't know I feel right now. I mean on one hand I feel safe and loved now that Adrien's here but on the other I feel really sad and betrayed because my best friend or ex best friend is why I'm here. I really wished she would of told me what was going on then again I didn't tell her either. I guess it was might fault as well as hers. If we just would have talked none of this would have happened. There's no point in mourning over it though, it's not like I can reverse the clock and changed what happened. 

I looked over at Adrien and realized just how lucky I am to have him. He's so sweet and caring I don't know what I would do without him. He had his arm draped along my waist and was making a noise that sounded like a purr? Whatever it was cute. As I continued to stare at Adrien I felt my side vibrate so I assumed it came from Adrien's phone. Curiosity got the best of me and I slowly and successfully took Adrien's phone out of his pocket. I didn't know the password but I didn't need to because the message was quiet visible on the lock screen. I noticed that the message had come from my father. In all honesty I kinda forgot about my dad, I don't know why but he just kind of slipped my mind. 

I slowly started to read the message and my eyes began to tear up. I thought my dad loved me, but I guess not. I was so confused, angry, and frustrated. I don't know why I did what I did but I quickly untangled myself from Adrien and grabbed the flower pot next to me. I starred at it with so much anger and I chucked it at the door. There were thousands of glass fragments that skatered the floor and thousands of promises broken. I heard Adrien scream and jolt up, but at this point I didn't care. I fell to the floor and layed on the broken pieces, I already had so many cuts what would a few more do? 

"Marinette!" Adrien said while rushing to me "Get up, what are doing? Why is there glass all on the floor?" I stayed silent and pointed to his phone that was on the bed. He looked at me questionably but picked up his phone and began to read the message. 

Adrien's POV

Dear Adrien, I'm sorry but this is just too much for me. First my wife and then Marinette. I don't want to handle this stress anymore. I'm moving away to a place where I'm not going to say because I don't want you or Marinette to come and find me. I'm starting fresh, a clean-slate as they say. No wife, no kid, just me. Tell Marinette goodbye, and that I love her... And could you maybe let her live with you please?

What a piece of crap. I can't believe he would do this to Marinette. It doesn't even make sense. He doesn't love her because no parent would ever do this. How does one go from crying their eyes out to just packing up and leaving. Even my dad wouldn't do this, and he's pretty cruel.

"Princess, I'm so sorry. " I said picking Marinette off the floor and pulling her into a hug. "I don't know why he would do this to you. But I do know that I'm never ever going to leave you. I care so much about you and I believe that you deserve the best. Your my everything." I whispered in her ear while hugging her tightly.

"I love you Adrien." I heard Marinette say through tears. I lifted her chin, starred into her beautiful blue eyes and gave her a small kiss on the lips. "I love you to Princess, more then you'll ever know."

Three weeks later

Marinette's POV

I was finally back and now living with Adrien. Surprisingly his dad was okay with me living with them. He also said that since he likes my designs I could help design outfits for his next fashion show. When I had to go to the bakery to pack up my things I started to cry. I realized that it would be the last time I would step into the bakery and call it home, but it wouldn't be the last time I walk by it.

"Marinette hey!" Alex yelled out when I stepped out of Adrien's limo. "What's up Alix?" I asked as I gave her a fist bump. "Nothing much you know just the usual. What about you?"

"Well nothing much still trying to get into the swing of things." I responded. "Oh cool" Alix said while patting me on the back."Let's go to class k?"

When we walked into class I took my seat in the front where Nino used to sit. Nino and I decided to switch seats becuase we thought it would be best. "Hey Marinette, um can I talk to you?" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw that it was Chloe.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked with a hint of annoyence. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I never wanted you to actually kill yourself. Your pretty cool and I guess I was Jeal...jeal...jealous of you. I know we can't be friends but I just wanted to let you know how bad I feel. I know Alya probably also apologized and you probably didn't forgive her either but I thought I should just try. "

I was surprised. No way in he'll would I think that she would apologize. Of course I wasn't gonna forgive her but the fact that she actually went out of her way to apologize ment a lot. "You know what Chole? Thank you. You didn't have to apologize, but you did. No we can't be friends but we don't have to be enemies. Were just two people who know each other okay?"

She looked at me with a wide smile and noded. "Of course Marinette, whatever you want."

Alright guys this is the last chapter of You Thought You Knew!! I honestly don't know where else to take this and think that this is a good spot to leave off. I have two other books that I'm writting, one that's a MLB fanfic and one that's an original story. If you guys do have any suggestions for future books let me know. Well that's it folks, see you in the next book!


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