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It's  the day of the trip and I am super excited, although I checked the weather and it supposed to be really hot. So to cover up my scars Im going to use makeup and wear one of those nylons.

You know those tights that are the same color as your skin? Let's just say that she was wearing that.

I decided that I was going to wear black shorts over my nylons, and a pink shirt that had two hearts in the center and the words love written in cursive.

I had my bag packed because due to last minute changes the teacher said that we will be staying in California for a week.

I brought a brush, toiletries, extra clothes and a black and pink bathing suit.

At school

"Hello Miss Bustier, where should I put my luggage?"

"Oh, hello dear, just set it over there" She pointed to an opened compartment that was located on the side of the bus.

I hauled all my luggage over and unfortunately for me, my clumsiness kicked in and I ended up bumping into someone.

"Well isn't it little miss pathetic, how have you been? Still cutting and dwelling on how miserable and pathetic your life is?"

Great just what I needed. "Chloe can you just stop picking on people for one minute?" I asked as I dusted my self off and proceeded to get up off the floor. When my eyes landed upon the person making fun of me I choked.

"Your not... Your not Chloe." I stuttered out. "Well duh, I mean I  am so much better than that snobby brat."

"Alya... Why...why do you even bother speaking to me you obviously don't want to be my friend. Why are you even mad at mean? I'm sorry that I didn't tell you but that doesn't mean that you can go around and start making fun of me."

"What ever your just a useless piece trash so just get out of my face" I can't believe that girl. What has happened to her. She was dressed so not her. I didn't know it was possible but she was dressed worse than Chloe.

The orange crop top she had one had rips and tears so that you could see bra, and what didn't help is that the shirt (Can you even call it that?)ended at the end of her bra and don't even get me started with her black shorts.

After my stupid encounter with Alya Chloe came strutting in with her ten thousands bags. Poor Sabrina she looked like a walking mountain.

Now Chloe her outfit was well okay, I guess. She was wearing a bright and I mean bright yellow dress that ended at the end of her butt. Come on don't their parents pay attention to anything that their kids are wearing!!

"Hey Princess, ready for our trip?"  Adrien said as he approached me. "Huh, oh yah definetly!!" I responded.

"Alright guys now that everyone is here I would like you all to file into the bus." Miss Bustier announced.

"Hey Princess, want to sit together?" Adrien asked "Yeah, that would be cool"

I told Adrien that I wanted to sit by the window and he let me. Nino decided to sit next to Alya, I mean I don't mind, just because Alya isn't my friend anymore doesn't mean that Nino can't be her friend, but I guess it just hurts a bit.

On the bus ride Adrien and  I started to talk about what rides we were going to ride on and other random teenage junk.

About hour later we arrived at the airport. I got the window seat again and let me tell you the view was amazing.


The hotel was beautiful! There were crystals hanging from the ceiling that created a magnificent chandelier.

"Alright class there are 7 rooms and before you all get excited I have already picked where everyone will be staying. In room number 401 will be Kim and Max. In room 402 will be Nathaniel and Ivan."

Wow the most introverted people in one room, how fun. "In number 403 will be Adrien and Nino."

"Oh yeah." Nino and Adrien said in sync as the fist bumped.

Oh no, I really don't want to be with Alya. Hopefully I get Alix oh or Mylene. Wait why is Mylene here isn't she afraid of like everything?

"Okay now for the girls. In room 404 will be Sabrina and Chloe. In room 405 will be Alix and Mylene. And lastly room 406 will be Alya and Marinette."

I froze, There is no way that was going to work. I can't I just no that she will do anything in her power to make this tripping a living hell.

"Uh Miss Bustier there is no way that I am bunking with her" Alya remarked.

"Alya, I have had enough of your attitude. I'm not changing it so deal with it."

" Miss, I actually would like to change roommates due to the fact that she has been completely rude to me"I statted.

"Ugh fine Marinette you shall stay in the room I assigned you, but your new roomate will be Alix, and Alya go with Mylene ."

Sounds good to me. Miss Bustier handed us our keys and lead us to our rooms. Now I don't know what the hotles in California look like so bare with me.

As I entered my room my mouth dropped, it was absolutely amazing. There were to beds, they both had red comforters and gold looking pillows. There was a window that let you see out into the pool.

I started to unpack my stuff and set it into the drawers before Alix spoke up.

"So girly, what's up with you and your bestie. Weren't you guys all buddy buddy?"

"Well yah we were but something came up,  that I guess caused so much shock that instead of talking   it out she wants to be a real.... female dog."

"Eye all right, then. Well this is a time for fun, don't let her get to you kay?" Alix said as she popped the pink bubble gum that was in her mouth.

"Yah, okay"

Sorry about the lack of updates something happened and I have just not been myself lately. To make it up to you I am going to post another chapter. Hope you enjoy

💙 MiraculousLover13

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