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The doctors are starting to loose hope for Marinette. They said that if she doesn't get better by tomorrow their pulling the plug. They said they don't want to deal with her and that there is a 5% chance that she will actually wake up. Her dad has also given up. He hasn't been by to see her since I had my little fainting incident.

I've been sleeping with Marinette's hand in mine every night for the past couple of night's. Her skin is just so soft and reasurring.

One text from unknown number

I opened the text figuring that I could just block the number and be done with it. I was wrong, very wrong.

Look Adrien, I'm very sorry for what I've done. I never wanted this to happen. I got a new number so that I could have the opportunity to tell you this. I, like Marinette have been dealing with depression. My little sister commited suicide two days before we caught Marinette cutting herself. I just couldn't handle the fact that two of my favorite people, people that I love were drowning in self hatred and hurt. I just don't know what came over me. Please forgive me ~💙Alya
Ps. I think the door is locked can you please unlock it, I think Alix might actually kill me if you don't open it.

The message completely caught me off gaurd. How does she expext me to forgive her? Confused I opened the door and there stood Alya, Alix, and Nino.

"Why are you here?! Get out now!" I yelled. "Hoe dare you..."

"Adrien, save it. I already got on them. If you don' t believe me just ask Alya about the big purplish bluish bruise om her shoulder and knee." Alix said with a smirk as she walked over towards Marinette. I stood there in shock, but then just shook my head and followed to where Alix was.

"Look guys" I adressed the pink head and two brunettes. "I  have some very bad news. There going to... " I started to stutter and felt tears trickling out my eyes. "The doctors are going to pull the plug tomorrow." I heard Alya and Nino gasped and Alix trying to hold back tears.

"Alix, You and Nino stay here. Alya and I have some buisness to attend to."

I yanked Alya and left behind to very confused teenagers.

"Alright Alya... explain and do it fast. 

"Adrien you don't know how many times I have cried this month. I can't believe I did what I did. Please know I'm not trying to use my sisters death as an exscuse its just..."

"It's just what Alya?" I said as I cut her off.
"Look I'm sorry that your sister killed yourself,  but that is no reason for you to go an make Marinette feel like crap and make her want to kill her self. Now I have decided I don' t want to hear you talk anymore so bye. I'm going to go get something to eat. You go and try to make up for lost time."


Alya's Pov

I can't believe this. It's all my fault. My best friend is lying on a hospital bed slowly getting closer to her death because of me. I started approaching Marinette's lifeless body and reached out for her hands. "Hey Mari it's me." I whispered. "It's your bestie." I don't understand why what happened, happened but all of a sudden Marinette's monitor started to beep like crazy.  "No Mari please stay with me please, I'm sorry, so so sorry!!" I was practically soaked in tears by now.  The doctors came rushing in a shoed All of us out.

"You may want to call your friend and the girl's father miss." The doctor said as he turned to me. "We may have to pull the plug sooner than later."


Adrien's Pov

This is it in less than 5 seconds she is going to be gone, no longer able to be viewed by the world. 5..4..3..2.. "Adrien"

Boom Cliff Hanger because why not. Love you guys! 💚Do you think you know who spoke up? Let me know in the comments! See u guys in the next chapter

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