Chapter 18

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Demi's POV

FUCK. Is this real?!? I don't want him showing up in like 80% of my life. Simon already gave me a bad mood. Why?!?

I went towards Wilmer. He was just outside. He's not a party goer like me. It was cool to know that. We could just chill outside.

"Everything alright babe?" He asked me with worry in his eyes.

"Ofcourse. I'll go get us something to drink kay?" I simply said holding onto his hand tight. Looking onto his eye. They were a beautiful shade that sparkle at night. I escaped a genuine smile and pecked his cheek. This was really it.

The day I finally saw Niall and felt nothing at all. I guess Wilmer gave me a better look on things. It's possible to move on.

I went to the snack table and got two glasses of punch. I enjoyed the sight of a lot of familiar faces around. Contestants that I came to know and had fun working with in the past couple of months.

I finally went outside and bumped into somebody I wish I didn't. Both my cups were showered around me like I was puked on.

Can this night get any better?

"What. The. Fuck! Niall!!!" I shouted angrily. My blood was basically rising and burning up. Humiliated. Not Cool.


Niall's POV

I just wanted to walk pass them and go to the boys to the other side. I didn't even bother looking at anyone I walk through after that.


I tripped someone over and found out it was none other than the Smurf herself. Demi.

"What. The. Fuck! Niall!!!" She angrily said. Her two cups was also splashed all over her.

"I uhh.. Dem-"

"What is going on here?" Wilmer came around the area.

I tried to speak out but none of them will let me finish. "None of your busine-"

"NO! BOTH OF YOU!! STOP!" Demi shouted. She figured right. Wilmer and I were both heated up. Taunting each other, ready to fight.

Reporters showed up at the exact same time to take pictures of the sight. Damn. It's not what it looks like obviously. I'm sure the media are gonna twist it around and say that Wilmer and I are fighting over Demi.

Maybe we were.

I just couldn't do it. That incident is obviously an accident. Nobody would believe it though.

Demi was ready to speak pointing at me. "I HATE YOU FOR DOING THIS. INFRONT OF THE PRESS?! FUCK."

I understand her hate. I know I would be furious too if this happened to me.

"but.. I know it wasn't in your intention." She continued, seeming a little less angry by the second.

This caught me off guard. I was relieved that she said that. Even if I was the first one to give up on her because of her condition, she still opened her warmth and heart to forgive and forget.

"There you are handsome" A girl hugged me from behind. Yes. It's my girlfriend Barbara Palvin.

This was literally the perfect time for her to join in the "fun". Sarcasm is evident ofcourse.

I motioned Barbara away for a moment. I needed her to leave. I just needed to talk to Demi. I didn't think it was difficult before. Everything Demi and I talk about came at ease until now.

What really did happen to us?

A relationship that was SO STRONG lost a battle that night and we didn't bother to try again.

I should say it was partially my fault as well.

I gave up on her.

"Demi. Can we please settle this?" I asked then whispered in her ear. "in private."

She gave out a groan and motioned Wilmer to wait for her on the bench. Demi held onto me and brought me to a corner far from people inside the XFactor rehearsal studio.

"WHAT IS IT NOW NIALL?!" She started out with anger in her eyes. "If this is about my bath with punch, I'm still extremely mad about it and I'm not gonna forgive you for the humiliation. Can I go now?"

"No Demi. Please?" I said to her being as calm as possible. I know her smile was infectious. Her anger was too and right now, my blood was building up nearly boiling and exploding infront of her.

Demi's POV

Was he serious? "Nope. I want to leave. This conversation will obviously go nowhere."

"Demi. I don't think your anger isn't only about the incident right?" He pointed out looking at me straight in the eye. "Thank you for backing me up there with the press by the way. Did you mean it?"

"NO! Who was I to know if you did it intentionally? We needed something to cover it up OFCOURSE! I had to do something. You should know that I'm not the bad guy here." I said being more and more serious when the conversation just started to get personal.

"Then fine. I am. I want to apologize because I.. uh.. didn't keep our deal. I just want to point out that I didn't leave Demi. I'm still here aren't I? I still chose to stay even though we don't keep in touch, I want atleast our friendship to work." He said still not leaving his eyes on me.

"I know falling in love isn't a choice but staying in love is. I was stupid enough to hold onto something that didn't exist anymore. I made myself believe that but I can't escape reality. What's done is done. You made your decision to move on and so have I."

I didn't think I would rant this long. It's like I already know exactly what I wanted to say.

"We had so much history Ni. Both of us have been hurt one way or another and no matter what happens, the pain will always be there. Friendship won't work.

We will never have what we had."


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Teaser: Acceptance with reality? or longing for a change?

You probably know the answer to that one......

Let's just say.... It's not going the way it should be...

You'll seeeeeeeeeeee O.O

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