Chapter 37

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Niall's POV

I accept defeat. I let him batter me like I'm some wasted man. I wasted every bit of it. My life felt meaningless and I let him define that.

I guess, I was being taken away from so much things in my life. Demi was one of them. I knew I didn't deserve her and I realized it just now.

I should learn to forget about her. This isn't getting healthy anymore. I slipped a tear when I realized what I was doing. Have I really given up?

"Is that all you've got, mate?" He continued to provoke me. I just layed my head on the ground, taking it all in.

"NIALL!" Lou finally came in into the picture and had an attempt to pull me away from Liam. I pushed him away. I didn't plan to just let this go that easily.

I may not be the perfect guy for her but all there is to it is a love worth fighting for. Cheesy, yes. I can't just make my life go like that. I've been a wimp all my life and there's only one girl whom I know, would never give up on me. Not ever.

I'm a horrible boyfriend to her but she still took an effort to get to know this stupid soft shell known as Niall James Horan.

I could hear Zayn and Harry bicker while Louis tried to compromise but all they could do is have another round of fist fights.

That was when I realized, when I would fall down, these other boys would come down with me.

It's all or nothing. Atleast we agreed on something around here. That was actually a miracle. We never became one as a group. I guess, maybe now, we never will be.


Another hit to my stomach. I couldn't move my body anymore because of embracing so much pain.

"Please stop." Harry finally said. "Is Demi worth hurting each other like this?"

I covered my eyes. All I could hear were the voices. I try my best to hold on.

Every bone in my body is burning. Why did Demi really get us to turn like monsters?

Demi's POV

I was running, chasing towards the plaza. Tonight felt so cold. Really cold. I was shivering. I was starting to get goosebumps. I could see my sighs and grasps for air. It was very visible like a myst of cloud. Why did the temperature become so low tonight?

With ever step, sent shivers to my legs and arms. I could barely move. I could tell I was feeling numb. It's getting harder to move a muscle but I keep reminding myself that there's still something I have to do.

Breathing was getting harder to go into. I've been bringing myself into the coldness I have inhaled but it was getting more and more difficult to get used to. I was shaking. Every move brought just enough pain for me to loose sight of my senses for a second or two.

I shouldn't. I won't. I can't let myself fall down. Not just yet. I'm dying to see them. Literally.

My body was getting heavier and heavier. It felt like gravity was against me. I nearly gave in, to tug the cold floor. I just couldn't. I really need to see the boys.

I could barely see my way, this time. Blurry lights surfaced my sight. It was beautiful, I may add. I looked up to see the stars. I could see big white balls of light surround the sky. Some clouds covered the pure blue background but it was perfect even if I wasn't able to see it too clearly.

I paused and stopped everything I was doing. I came up to appreciate the light. Shiny and beautiful. Vivid, like a dream. All the memories I had with my family rushed back towards me and I couldn't help but smile and shed a little tear.


"I'll take it from here." Did I just hear Zayn speak?

"WHY DID YOU PUNCH, Harry?!" Lou had aggrevation in his tone when I heard another thump.

I'm guessing Lou gave some sense into him. Were they beating each other up?!

I tried opening my eyes straight but nothing seems to work.

All I could see was blurry colors. Even if that was my situation, I had the urge to walk further. I don't know if I was going to the right direction but for what I feel right now, I didn't care.

"Zzz-" Were the only words that came out of my mouth. Zayn... Where are you?!

Niall? Liam? Where were they?

My head was spinning. It was even growing heavier and heavier by the minute. What's happening to me?

Fear, excitement? Was it any of those two?

"Demi..." Was the only thing I heard from them and all the voices after that was unbearable. It was like I was drowning under water.

I could barely understand any word they were saying.

I could barely see the faces I was dying to see.

The next thing I knew was having warm pair of arms, wrapped around me.

The warmth controlled me to feel a much comforting feeling.

I couldn't help but let go.

Let go of the pain and confusion.

Let go of the guilt and stress.

The only way to do that is close my eyes and let myself drift away to wherever I want to be. Darkness. Blackness.. Numbness. There I went.



This is a filler for y'all.

What d'ya think is gonna happen next?!

I hope you keep voting and commenting! :)

Hope you'd enjoy this so far.

A little drama for mah lovelies. haha.

Uhmm.. If you got time, check out my other diall story,

How We Never Met

Peace out yo!


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