You and Me (Dantana)

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"Santana wake up!" screamed Rachel. Santana groaned and took a quick shower. She put on her uniform and walked into the kitchen. Rachel and Kurt were singing some song from a Broadway musical. "Shut up Hummelberry and let's go!" Kurt grabbed his keys and they all got in the car, on their way to the diner.

After parking the car, the roomates went into the diner and started working. After working for three hours, Santana saw a young woman who entered the diner and sat at a booth in Santana's section. "Wow. She's really pretty." Santana thought. The young brunette dyed her hair blonde which was really pretty. She wore a fluffy white top with ripped blue jeans. Santana walked to the booth where the young woman was and said "Hello, I'm Santana and I'll be your server today. Would you like something to drink?" the customer looked up from the menu and locked her eyes with Santana's. Santana got lost in her beautiful chocolate eyes until the woman's voice snapped her back to reality. "I'll just have a tea please." She said kindly with a smile. "Sure I'll be right beck with your tea ma'am." The teenager blushed and said "You can call me Dani." Santana nodded and went in the back to the counter, said the order and looked back at Dani. Rachel walked next to her and snickered silently. Santana was looking at Dani dreamily. Then by accident, Santana said out loud "Isn't she beautiful?" Rachel patted her shoulder and whispered "Yes, yes she is."

Santana looked to see who said that and punched Rachel's arm. "Oww!" "Berry don't do that!"

Rachel said "Look Santana, yes she's pretty and i haven't seen you this happy about someone since your breakup with Brittany. At least ask her for her number and then you can take it slow from there." Santana smiled "Okay fine. See ya Berry i gotta give Dani her tea." Santana took the tea and brought it to Dani. "Thanks Santana." Santana's heart immediately melted. "Hey Santana, can you sit with me for a while?" Santana smiled "Sure of course." They talked for a while. "Here's my number Santana. Call me sometime so we can hang out again." Dani said. She left a tip and left. Santana was so happy!

~The next day~

Santana walked in the diner and found Dani talking to the boss, Gunther. Dani hugged him and walked out of the back room. "Hey what are you doing here so early?" Santana asked. "I'm working here now!" Dani said with a smile. "Yes! we can see each other more!" Santana thought. Dani changed into her uniform and started working.

~Later that day~

As the diner cleared out at the end of the day, everybody was gone except Santana and Dani. Santana found Dani sitting against the wall of the stage with a guitar. "Aren't you heading out too?" Santana asked kindly. "No not yet. I like to watch the sun rise over that building. I just love how the diner goes from being quiet and dark to suddenly just... glowing." Dani said softly. "I've never seen it." "Well stick around. We'll watch it together." "Okay." Santana replied and sat down next to Dani.

Dani started stumming her guitar and she started singing "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles. Santana joined her and their voices were so beautiful together. "Santana has a beautiful and raspy voice!" Dani thought. "Her voice is so beautiful!" Santana thought. They walked as they were singing down the street. Once they finished the song, Santana realized that they were in front of Dani's apartment. "So I guess this is goodbye?" Santana said. "For now" Dani replied. She walked up to her and pecked her lips. "See you around." Dani walked up the stairs and waved goodbye to her friend. Santana smiled and stood there dreamily as if what happened was just a dream. Santana was definitely in love with her. She started walking back to her apartment.

~At Rachel, Kurt, and Santana's apartment~

Santana walked into the apartment with a smile. "Santana, what happened to you?" Rachel asked interested. Santana smiled and said softly. "Once you guys were gone, Dani and I were the only ones left. She started strumming her guitar and we sung "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles. Later, we were walking down the street and we stopped in front of Dani's place. Then she kissed me!" Rachel and Kurt looked at each other, smiling.

Santana started to head into her part of the apartment, turned around and said "Oh Berry next time you decide to wake me up early for work canyou not scream please? Thank you. Good night." She closed the door and layed on her bed. In the living room, Rachel and Kurt were shocked "She never says please." Rachel said. "I don't what this girl Dani did to Santana, but she definitely is softer." Kurt replied.

In her room, Santana layed on her bed smiling at the ceiling. Santana reached for her phone in her purse and added Dani's number in her contacts. Santana changed and slept and thought about the kiss Dani and she shared.

~The next day~

Santana and Dani spent time with each other during their breaks. Santana asked Dani "Hey D, where are you from?" Dani smiled. "I'm from Ohio. I left my house after my parents didn't accept me for who I am. How about you?" Santana said proudly "I' from Lima, Ohio. I was raised in Lima Heights Adjacent. Bad things happened there. I have a bad side that I only show when something really pisses me off." Of course, Rachel and Kurt spied on them. Santana started to go back to work when Rachel came up to her and said "Santana look I really have to talk to you. Its so obvious you really like Dani. You talk to her every chance you get. Why don't you ask her out for a date? Just one and you can take it from there." Santana thought for a while and said "Fine Berry I will."

Before leaving the diner, Dani was called from Santana. "Hey Dani. I was just wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner sometime." Santana bit her lip. Dani blushed and smiled. "Of course, Santana. I would love to go out for dinner. I'm available tomorrow. I'll text you my address and you can pick me up at 7:30pm. See you tomorrow." Dani kissed Santana's cheek and left the diner. Santana was so happy and walked back to the apartment.

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