Chapter 5 [She's Coming Here...]

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Santana and Dani went back to the apartment and found Kurt and Rachel. They haven't seen each other in two days since Dani's birthday. "Hey, Hummelberry! How's it going?" Rachel smirked. "Looks like you two enjoyed each other these past few days." Santana rolled her eyes. "It was only once,Berry so whatever." Rachel and Kurt immediately became concerned when they saw the bruise on Dani's face. Rachel said "OMG, Dani what happened to your face?!?!" Dani looked at Santana wondering if she should tell her. Santana whispered. "It's up to you babe. It's your choice." Dani nodded. My father slapped me. Rachel gasped and Kurt was rushing over to the phone. He was about to dial the police number but Santana yelled. "It's ok, Lady Hummel. I already called them. He's arrested." Rachel sighed.

All four of them sat on the couch. Dani briefly explained her past to Rachel and Kurt. As she was finishing, Rachel's phone buzzed. Rachel got up, and smiled. Santana grinned. "Rachel who texted you?" Rachel smiled. "Quinn..." Santana was shocked. "Q? MY Q?" Dani looked at her surprised. Santana reassured her girlfriend. "Don't worry D, Q is just my best friend." Dani sighed in relief. Santana walked over to Rachel. "So what did she say?" Rachel said "Hold on, she's still typing...." Rachel's smile dissapeared. "What?" Santana was worried. Rachel said. "Artie, Puck, Quinn, Blaine, Mike, Mercedes, and Finn are coming." "Oh that's awesome! Hey D, you're gonna meet all my high school friends! They'll love you don't worry." Rachel continued on "But...." Santana looked back at her friend. "But what?!" Rachel took a deep breath and announced. "But Brittany is coming too. Quinn and the others tried to keep her from coming with them but they weren't able to." Santana's smile dropped to a frown. She sat on the couch. After a while, she stood up and broke the mirror, punched a hole in the wall and fell to the floor crying and sobbing. Her friends rushed to her side. "It's ok. Everything's going to be okay Santana. Don't worry."

After Santana fel better, they all cleaned the broken pieces of glass and sat on the couch. Rachel said. "We'll meet them at the diner tomorrow evening." Santana was worried. Dani saw her. She never saw her girlfriend this nervous. She held her in her arms, kissed her passionately, and hugged her. Santana immediately felt better. Dani was her hero and she loved her.

~The next night~

Dani, Santana, Rachel, and Kurt were already at the diner. Several minutes later, all their friends arrived. Brittany was the last to enter the diner. Santana looked up and saw her. "Brit..." Dani saw Santana looking at her ex. She held her hand and whispered. "It's ok.."

Santana's POV

I can't believe Brittany came. I feel like slapping her right accross the face. She's such a bitch.

Santana and her roomates hugged all their friends. "Hey Santana..." Brittany said. "Hey Brit.." They quiclky hugged and they all sat down. Rachel sat with Finn, Kurt with Blaine, and Santana with Dani. "Guys, this is my girlfriend Dani. Dani this is Mike, Mercedes, Puck, Quinn, Finn, Artie, Blaine, and... Brittany." "Nice choice, Lopez." Puck said. "Puck, say that again and I will end you." Santana said protectively. Dani blushed slightly but covered it with a smile. "Wait...girlfriend?" Brittany asked. "Yes Brit. Dani is my Girlfriend." Santana retorted without looking at her ex.

After talking and laughing for hours, Artie, Mercedes, Quinn, And Mike went back to their hotel. Finn, Blaine, and Brittany came back to the apartment. Dani really didn't want her to come with them but since she was San's best friend, Dani didn't want to ruin their relationship.

~At the apartment~

All of them sat on the couch and started talking. Santana rose and said. "I'll get some drinks." As she left Dani kept looking at her girlfriend. Brittany rose and went in the kitchen. They talked and smiled but Dani couldn't make out what they were talking about.

Dani's POV

Santana's so happy talking to Brittany. Why is she dating me? Brittany's everything I'm not. I'm a fake blonde, fat, ugly, worthless, yet Brittany is naturally blonde, skinny, and pretty. I need to make the pain go away. I promised myself to not cut myself again but I HAVE to now. I stayed strong for a long time now. Just once.

Dani rose from the couch and walked to the bathroom. She took out a razor blade from her purse that she hasn't seen in years. She cut her wrist over the tatoo "Stay". She cut twice on the wrist with "Strong." Dani felt better. The pain dissapeared. She cleaned the blood with tissues and threw them in the trash. She left the bathroom and sat back on the couch and talked with Finn, Blaine, Kurt, and Rachel. She forgot about the razor blade. It was still on the floor covered in blood.

~In the kitchen~

"Hey San"

"Hey Brit."

"Since when have you and Dani been dating?"

"I really don't want to talk to you about this."

"Santana I never thought that you would move on so fast."

"Well yeah but here we are today."

Brittany put her hand over Santana's. "Santana I know you still love me. Remember when you came to school when we were doing Diva week and you and Sam sung a song. You still love me. Leave Dani and be mine. She's worthless anyway."

Santana yelled. "Brittany you can't say that! I don't love you anymore! You broke my heart!"

Brittany grabbed Santana by her shirt and took her in a room. Brittany leaned in to kiss her and Santana pushed her back. Dani said. "Guys I'm a bit tired. I'm gonna leave now. It was great meeting you Finn and Blaine. See you tomorrow Rachel and Kurt." Dani took her keys, got in her car, and drove to her apartment. She just sat on the floor crying.

~Back at Santana, Rachel, and Kurt's apartment~

"Brit stop!" Santana yelled and stormed out of the room. "Where's Dani?" she asked. "She left." Rachel told her friend. Santana quickly went to the bathroom before leaving to Dani's place. When she opened the bathroom door, the latina crouched down and found the razor blade covered in blood and the tissues in the garbage can. "I thought she stopped. Oh my god! Dani! I need to save her before she hurts herself even more!" Santana thought. She grabbed the razor and dashed out of the apartment, and ran to Dani's place. Luckily, she only lived two blocks away. Santana knocked on the door. "Dani? D you there?" Santana was so worried. She barged in the apartment and found Dani in a corner crying. Santana rushed to her. "Hey D." As she was going to place her hand on her shoulder, Dani moved back. "D, please don't do this to me." Dani said softly between sobs. "You still love her. Why- why are we together? She's skinny naturally blonde, and pretty. I-I'm fat, a fake blonde, and ugly. She's everything I'm not." Santana hated to hear how insecure her girlfriend was about herself. "I don't love Brittany. I only love you, Dani. You're my world. My life is nothing without you." Dani looked up at her. "Really?" Santana smuled. "Yes, D. I love you so much." Santana kissed her. It was very passionate. Dani was safe. She loved Santana.

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