Chapter 23 [What Do You Think?]

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Dani's POV

I woke up and leaned over, only finidng an empty space. Santana's probably at work. I look at my watch: 6:30 am. I got downstairs in the kitchen, finding Santana making breakfast, listening to music from her headphones and dancing around. I chuckled and walked behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she jumped. "Holy shit D! You scared the crap out of me!" I kissed her cheek. "What did I say about language?" I teased. San rolled her eyes and continued making breakfast. She made me coffe too. "Thanks babe." I replied, pecking her lips. "I gotta go to work D. Take care of yourself! Love you!" "Love you more!" I yelled. She waved goodbye and walked down the streets to the Spotlight Diner.

It's been a few weeks since Santana's been living with me. It's amazing! We finally get privacy, we can talk more freely, and of course, have more fun at night. Haha. Anyways, it's a month into the engagement, and I really want to have a child after the wedding. I really want to start a family with Santana because I know for sure that she's my soulmate and I'll love her forever. I just hope that she feels the same. I'll talk to her about it after she comes back from work.

Santana's POV

I've been working for about two hours. Ugh. Finally, it's my lunch break. I eat with Berry and Lady Hummel at a deli. "Hummelberry, can I talk to you about something?" They look up from their sandwiches. "Yeah sure Santana. What's on your mind?" Rachel asked. I played with my fingers a little before responding. I finally took a deep breath and looked at them. "I want to have a child... with Dani." They have a huge smile on their faces. Great job Santana. Now be ready for a bombing of squeals. Ugh. "OMG! OMG! That's awesome!" They squeal, clapping their hands. They look crazed. "Guys! Keep it down!" I whisper shouted. "That's amazing Sanny. We're so happy for you." Kurt said. I smiled "Thank you". "Did you tell Dani?" Rachel asked. I shook my head. "You should tell her!" Rachel said and nudged me. I rolled my eyes. "What if she doesn't feel the same?" I said ashamed. "I doubt it. You are the cutest couple, after me and Blaine of course. She loves you tons. It's obvious." Kurt said. I smiled and lightly punched his arm. We looked at Rachel. She had a sad face. "Why the long face Rachel?" I asked. "He said that I wasn't cute!" Rachel pouted, pointing at Kurt. I lowered her finger down. "No pointing. It's rude" Rachel looked at me with a "are you serious" look. "Yes mommy" she teased. "I didn't say that Rachel! I said that as couples, Klaine is first, then Dantana, and then you two... umm... Faberry?" Rachel kept pounting. I laughed and grabbed their hands. "I'm glad that we made that deal that we would stay for two years here in NYC. Look at us! We went from underdog glee club losers, to national champs, then to succesful people with great lovers! Rachel on Broadway, Kurt working at VOGUE, and I with my beautiful fiancee." I smiled. We went in a group hug. "Santana, I think that you should get a real job. Follow your passion as a singer. Audition for Broadway. I know that you'll be famous if you put your mind to it." Rachel said earnestly. "Really?" They both nodded. "I think we shouls get back before we get fired." Kurt stated. I looked at my watch. "Yes! Let's go!" I exclaimed. I can't wait to get home and tell Dani.

~At Santana and Dani's apartment~

I finally get home. That was a hard day. I walk in and find Dani watching TV. I walk behind her and kiss her neck. She moans weakily and turns around, pecking my lips. "Hello stranger." I smiled "Hey D." I sat next to her on the couch and looked at her. "Dani, we need to talk." She immediately looked at me, worried. "Are you breaking up with me?" I held her in my arms. "No, no, no! I would never do that! And I wouldn't do that especially since we're engaged." She smiled again. She's so cute. "Good. I need to talk to you too." "Go ahead." "Sure?" "Yep."

I replied. I wonder what she needs to talk about. She took a deep breath and looked at me. "I want to have a child!" She exclaimed. I was shocked that she said it so fast. She caught herself. "I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said it. I'll go now..." She got up and started to walk away but I grabbed her wrist. Dani sat back down next to me. "I was just shocked a little that you said it so fast. But D, I want one too!" I exclaimed. She hugged me and pecked my lips. "That's amazing! Do you wanna adopt or have our own?" she asked. "Let's get our own" I winked. "Now tell me what you wanted to say." "I was gonna talk about the child, and then tell you that I've been thinking of becoming an actress/singer on Broadway." Dani smiled and me and kissed me. "San, that's amazing!" I smiled and hugged her. "When are you starting?" "Auditions are tomorrow." "Do you know what song you're singing?" I nodded. "What song? Can you tell me?" She begged with puppy eyes. God, her eyes though. I could get lost in them for the rest of time. "My favorite song and the song that's perfect for my voice: Valerie by Amy Winehouse." Dani smiled. She heard me sing that song before. "You'll be incredible baby." I pecked her lips and wrapped my arms around her. "Thank you. So Dani, when do you want to have the child?" she looked at me. "After the wedding or the day before it." "Ok, sure. Now here's a good question. Who'll be carrying it?" I asked. We looked at each other. "You" she said. I couldn't. "Baby, you know that I would love to, but with Broadway, and already I have rage. Imagine me being pregnant! That's Snixx times 2!" She laughed. "You're right. Fine. I'll carry it." I shook my head "What? Why?" she asked confused. "I'll take it. If they don't accept me on Broadway being pregnant, screw them. I'm carrying that baby." I smiled. Dani kissed me passionately. She took out her phone and called Rachel's apartment. Quinn answered. "Hey D" "Hey Q. Tell the others that we're coming over for dinner tonight. We've got news." I smiled, looking at Dani. "Yeah no prob." "See you at 7:00 pm. Bye Quinn" "Bye" Dani hung up and jumped on the couch, sitting next to me. "I'm so happy." "Me too baby. I love you Dani." "I love you more." I kissed her and we watched The Wizard of Oz.

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