Chapter 7 [Rehab...]

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Dani checked in and unpacked her bag. At the bottom of it, she found a box. "I don't remember having this box." Dani thought. She opened the box and found the bracelet and a note that read:

" Dear D,

I know that this will be hard for you. It will bring back painful memories. And I know that it's two months and two weeks but we'll videochat. I hope you like the bracelet.

With all my love to you,


Dani looked at the bracelet. "I'm always here. I <3 you." Dani put the bracelet on her wrist and continued unpacking.

Then she heard a knock on the door. Dani walked to the door, opened it, and was speechless. "Alex... what are doing here?" Alex entered her ex's room and said "I heard that you were going into rehab. I wanted to say hi and to apologize. Listen Dani, I still love you and care about you." She held Dani's hand but she pulled back. "No Alex. You cheated on me and beoke my heart!" "I'm so sorry." "That doesn't cut it! And anyways I'm taken." Alex was surprised "who are you dating?" Dani walked back. "I don't want to talk about this. Alex, leave now." Alex started walking out the door when she said over her shoulder "I'll be back for you Dani. You'll be mine. Your girlfriend better be ready for me!" Dani closed the door behind her and layed on the bed. Then she heard another knock on the door.

"Dante!" "Hola, Dani! Since it's your first day, I don't want to tire you out with rehab yet. I was wondering if you wanted to eat diner with me? We can get to know each other better." Dani smiled " Sure Dante. I'll meet you downstairs at 7:30pm, okay?" Dante nodded "Sure." He left and Dani took a shower.

Dani's POV

I can't believe that Alex had the nerve to come here. That bitch! She says she loves me but she broke my heart?! I don't understand. I can't wait to videochat with Santana. I hope that she'll be at her apartment so I can talk to Blaine, Rachel, Kurt, and Finn. Finn and Blaine are really cool. I also need to say thank you to San for the bracelet. She has done so much for me yet I haven't done anything for her. I feel like a crummy girlfriend. I know! When I get out of this rehab thing, I'll take her out on a date and sing her a song I wrote for her. She'll love it. And I'll buy her a beautiful necklace with "Dantana" written on it. That's what Rachel and Kurt call us. Like Rachel and Finn are Finchel and Kurt and Blaine are Klaine. They are cute names.

~At Santana, Rachel, and Kurt's apartment~

All of them were sitting on the couch when Santana's phone rang. She got a text from Dani! She missd her so much already.

" Hey San! I really miss you. I'm eating with your dad tonight. We'll probably talk about you.. ;) Anyways, miss you <3 -D"

Santana smiled. All her friends saw that.

"Hey D! I miss you like crazy. Don't talk to my dad about the movies when I cry please. Anyways, I' staying with Rachel and Kurt so you'll talk to them and the others tonight. Miss you <3 -San"

Dani replied "I'm so talking about that!! anyways, I gotta prepare myself for dinner. See you later."

Santana really really missed her girlfriend "Bye <3"

Rachel asked "That was Dani wasn't it?" Santana nodded "You guys can talk to her tonight." Santana walked into her room and layed on her bed. She missed Dani wrapping her arms around her waist and her kisses and hugs. Santana wiped away a tear and slept for a while.

~At the rehabilitation center~

Dani walked in the lobby, searching for Dante. He was sitting at a table and waved at Dani for her to come join him. "Hello, Dani." "Hi, Dante." "So how about we order and you can tell me about yourself." "Sure." They ordered their food. While they waited it to arrive, Dani and Dante started talking. "So Dani, tell me about yourself." "Ok. Well I'm 19, I live in an apartment two blocks away from San's. I work in a diner with San, Rachel, and Kurt." Dante smiled " It's cute that you two have nicknames for each other." Dani chuckled. "Yeah, I call her San and she calls me D. Your daughter is amazing. She's always been there for me. She had the idea of bringing me here." Dante looked at Dani's wrist. "When did you get this bracelet?" "Oh I found this at the bottom of my bag when I was unpacking. Santana gave it to me." She showed him the engraved sentence that he read out loud "I'm always here for you. I <3 you." That's nice. Yeah my Sanny is a great young woman. She's strong but I bet sometimes she becomes weak." Dante said. "Yeah. When I first met her, she always stuttered when she talked to me. She still does ocasionally. Also, when we watch some movies, especially sad romantic movies, San starts to cry but denies it which is so adorable. I love her so much." Dante held her hand "I know. I bet you miss her too." Dani nodded. They finished their dinner and Dani walked back in her room.

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