Chapter 6 [Let Me Help You]

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Santana helped Dani get up and they walked to the table in Dani's kitchen. After they sat and got a soda, Santana announced "Dani, we need to talk." Dani responded "Sure, San. About what?" Santana took out the razor blade from her purse and showed it to Dani "About this. D, I thought you stopped." Dani was shocked. "Shit! I forgot that in the bathroom!" Santana was worried. "Show me your wrists." Dani obeyed and pulled up her sleeves. "When did you do this?" Dani looked down " When you and Brittany went in your room." Santana felt really bad. "Aww, D I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen I swear." Dani nodded. "I know. It's just I get jealous easily and then I feel insecure about myself. And two years ago, I learned that I was bipolar. So, if I ever change moods really fast, you'll know why." Santana held her girlfriend's hand. "Dani, let me help you. I know exactly what you need. You won't like it but it will help you. My father is a psychiatrist. He can help you. Once your therapy will be over, you'll be better and I'll see you again." Dani smiled. "Thanks, San. But l can't survive without you. I really don't want to leave you." Santana said softly. "I know D. But maybe my father will be able to help you and you'll be out before you know it. We'll see each other again, l promise." Dani kissed her amazing girlfriend. She is here when she needed her. Just like she promised on their first date.

~A month later~

Santana and Dani went to Santana's father's office for an appointment. They were going to schedule when Dani was going to go for rehabilitation. "Hola, Papa." "Hola Santana! How are you my princess? And who is this?" Santana smiled "I'm good Papa. This is my girlfriend Dani." Dani shook the father's hand. "I hope that you're taking good care about mi bella hija." Dani smiled and nodded. "Don't worry Mr. Lopez. Santana's my world. I take care of her really well." Santana blushed. "Dani please call me Dante. So Santana, what brings you here?" "Papa, estamos aquí para Dani realidad. Ella tenía problemas pasados y es bipolar. Que le puede ayudar?" Lucky for her, Dani understood Spanish (translation at the end of the chapter if you don't understand.) Dante thought for a while. "Dani do you speak Spanish?" Dani nodded. "Santana ¿puedes dejarpor un rato? Quiero conocer a Dani mejor. Yo te llamo aquí pronto." Santana smiled, pecked her girlfriend's lips and left the room. After closing the door, Mr Lopez exclaimed " You too are so cute!" Dani blushed "Gracias señor Lopez." They both chuckled. "Ok, Dani. This might be hard for you, but I would like it if you told me about yourself, your past, and the times when you were bipolar and how you reacted." Dani joked first "In Spanish or English?" He laughed. "Whichever you prefer."

Dani took a deep breath. "When I was 7, my mother died. Then when I was 13, I discovered that I was attracted to girls. After I started dating my best friend, the bullying started. I remember getting notes that fell out of my locker when I opened it saying "worthless", "ugly", "fat", "lesbian". This went on for four years. The third year, I coudn't take it anymore. I started to cut myself." Dani showed Santana's father she wrists that were covered in scars. Dani continued on, "It was the only way to make the pain go away. Two months after I started cutting, my father started drinking. He came home at night, drunk. He often harrassed me physically and sexually." A tear rolled down her face. Dante placed his hand on her shoulder. "Before I ran away, I was told that I was bipolar. It never really affected me until the day of my father's second wedding. I started crying and yelling, screaming that he swore that he'd never remarry. Then I started to knock things over and break things. After, I broke down and ran home. Then the next year, I ran away. And now I'm here. With your wonderful daughter Santana being my girlfriend." Dante hugged her. "Have you told Santana this?" "Briefly. I didn't really say the details." Dani responded.

"Well Dani, I can help you. Let's get Santana back here ok?" Dani nodded. Santana appeared in the doorway. "¡Hola!" Dani giggled. "Papa, ¿cuánto tiempo Dani tiene que permanecer en rehabilitación?" They looked at Dante. "Well, girls, with what Dani told me, and since you two love each other a lot, I'd say two months, maybe two months and a half." The lovers were sad. "It's ok, girls. Some patients I worked with took them a year." Santana asked "Papa, when does Dani come to start?" "That's your choice. Come whenever. As long as your ready." Dani looked at Santana. "How about in two weeks?" Dani asked. "Sure. Just pack a bag with clothes, toiletries, and whatever you might need. Also you can bring your phone and if you have one, a laptop so you can videochat with Santana." Santana and Dani smiled. "About the price.." Dani started "Don't worry about that, it's free." "Really?" "Yeah. You're taking care of my Santana and making her happy. That's all I ever want to see." Santana and Dani hugged Dante. "¡Gracias!" They exclaimed. "De nada mi bella chicas."

Dani and Santana said goodbye to Mr Lopez and left.

~Back at Dani's place~

Santana and Dani took a soda and sat on the couch. "Dani you'll be fine. Iwill be right here, in your apartment, waiting for you when you come home." Dani hugged Santana. "I'm going to miss you so so much San!" "Aww, I know D, but we'll videochat every night." Dani was getting up from the couch. "Where are you going?" Santana asked surprised. "I'm going to your apartment. I want to spend time with Rachel and Kurt before I leave them for two months."

~At Santana, Rachel, and Kurt's apartment~

Santana and Dani entered the apartment and found Finn and Blaine there as well as Rachel and Kurt. "Hey guys!" Santana exclaimed. They walked and hugged all of them. "Hey Dani, so how did you and Santana meet?" Finn asked. "I was just ordering a tea and Santana was my server that day. and then we started to hang out, and yeah." Finn smiled and Blained said "That's so cute!" Dani and Santana blushed. "So Finn, you're Kurt's brother?" Dani asked "Yep. Best brother ever" Kurt smiled. "How long are you two staying here for?" Dani questioned. "Umm... four more months." Dani smiled. She liked Finn and Blaine. They were cool. "That's great! I'll see you in two months." "Why?" Rachel asked. "I'm going into rehab Rachel. It's ok. I'll be back before you know it. And Santana and I will videochat often so you guys can join her and I'll see all of you." They all smiled.

For the following two weeks, Dani and Santana spent time with Finchel and Klaine. The next day was Dani's departure. Santana packed her bag with clothes, and everything. She secretly slipped in another bracelet with "I'm always here. I <3 you" engraved on it.

~The next morning~

Santana drove Dani to the rehabilitation center. "I guess this is goodbye." Dani said quietly "For now. Dani, I swear this will go fast I promise." Dani started to cry. Santana walked up to her and hugged her. "You'll be fine. Stay Strong for me and you. I love you D. We'll skype tonight. I'll be with the others at the apartment. Don't forget to text me when you get the opportunity." They kissed passionately and Dani got out of the car. She opened the doors of the rehabilitation center, beginning her journey.


"We're here for Dani actually. She had past problems and is bipolar. Can you help her?"

"Santana can you leave for a little bit? I want to get to know Dani better. I'll call you back in here soon."

"How long does Dani have to stay in rehab?"

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