Chapter 9 [Goodbye...]

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~A month later~

It was time for Finn and Blaine to leave. After finishing their packing, they said their goodbyes. "Goodbye, Santana. Take care of Rachel, ok?" Finn asked. Santana nodded. They hugged. With all the crap Santana gave him in high school, they still loved each other. "Brother, I'll miss you." "Me too." Finn hugged his younger brother. "Dani. It was great meeting you. You're a great person and Santana is very lucky to have you. See you soon!" Dani hugged Finn. Their friendship established quickly. They were great friends. "And Rachel. I love you. Always remember that. I'll see you soon. Call me when you know the results of Funny Girl, ok?" Rachel nodded. They kissed passionately. Blaine said his goodbyes to his friends. When it came to Santana, when he hugged her, he said " Wow, you are right Kurt. Santana got softer." Santana nudged his friend. "Yeah I was about to say that too" Finn added. "Santana, hold on to Dani. I like you like this." Santana rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm not softer! I'm just really happy, ok? And then Rachel and Kurt wouldn't stop asking me questions about my dates with Dani before we got together" Finn and Blaine looked at Santana, shocked. "I'm sorry. Did I hear correctly? I thought I heard 'Rachel and Kurt' come out of Santana Lopez." Finn said. "Ok, I get your point. Now stop before I start calling you names again." Santana said. Finn and Blaine said their goodbyes again, and left.

~Two months later~

Dani came back to Santana's apartment. The apartment was empty. Rachel and Kurt were gone somewhere. Dani found Santana curled up a corner in her room. "San, what's wrong?" "Fi-finn he-he's dead." Santana replied between sobs. A tear rolled down her face. "How? When?" Santana shook her head. "We don't know how, but he was found dead in his apartment yesterday." A tear rolled down Dani's face. She really liked Finn. He was the comedian in their family. Dani brought Santana to the bed. They sat next to her. "Hey, babe. Where's Rachel and Kurt?" "They're back at Lima. Mr. Shue organised a get together for all us glee members back at McKinley High School." "Babe. You should go." "I can't. It will be too hard." "But, people you love will be there with you." "Yeah but what about you?" "I'll come with you. I might have not known Finn as long as your friends in glee club but I still knew him. Let's go." Santana nodded. "B-but why did he have to die, D? He was such a good guy. He was the funny guy in our family." Santana said. "I don't know why, San. But he was a great guy. And he will forever be in our hearts and mind." Dani replied.

They packed their suitcase and took the next train back to Lima. Santana and Dani found Kurt and Rachel with the other former and current glee club members. Dani hugged Kurt and Rachel. "I'm so sorry." Dani said sympathetically. Rachel was still crying and sniffling. "Hey Santana, Kurt, come sing with us!" Puck yelled from the stage. "Go ahead. I'll stay here with Dani. I can't sing right now." Rachel said. Dani and Rachel watched their friends sing Seasons of Love from the musical RENT. After they finished, Dani hugged her girlfriend tightly. "You sang beautifully. All of you." Dani told her friends. Santana and Kurt went into the choir room and hugged Mr. Shue. "I'm glad so many of you were able to come back." He said to his former students. Mercedes sung "I'll stand by you", a song Finn sung before.

Santana and Sam were crying. Tina was sobbing, everybody was in tears.

Dani came back with Rachel. They walked together to see the memorial they made on the lockers. Rachel started crying and Dani hugged her and rubbed her back. "It's ok... I know what it feels like to lose someone dear to you. let it out." Dani said, trying to comfort her friend. Dani came in the class and Santana introduced her to the students and Mr. Shue. "This is my girlfriend Dani. Dani, this is Mr. Shue, you know Artie, Mercedes, Mike, Puck, Quinn, and Blaine. That's Tina, Sam, Kitty, Marley, Jake, Ryder, and Unique." Dani waved and sat down. Santana started to sing "If I die Young" by the Band Perry. When she was about to finish, the latina broke down and ran away when Mr. Shue and Mike tried to comfort her. Dani stood up, was about to go after her but Kurt said. "Let me take care of this." Dani sat back down. After Santana was better, Dani found her girlfriend and Brittany yelling at each other "Santana I still love you..." "You stopped loving me when you cheated on me! You broke my heart! I don't love you anymore. I'm with Dani, the love of my life." Dani blushed slightly. She continued listening to their conversation. "You don't love her! She worthless! I'm better than her." "No you're not! You're a self-centered bitch who doesn't give a damn about other people. Dani is the most generous, kind, sweet, person I have ever met." Dani finally decided to interfere. "Hey, San." Santana pecked her lips and Dani smiled. "D, you know Brittany..." "Of course I do." Brittany glared aat her ex's girlfriend and said. "Santana can you leave me alone with Dani? We need to chat." "Anything you say to me, you can say to her." Dani retorted. "It's ok, D." Santana replied. "Just don't kill her." Santana whispered in Dani's ear.

Once Santana left, Brittany pushed Dani against the wall, and punched her stomach. Dani fell to the ground. She stood up and kicked Brittany in the stomach. "She's with me now... you need to let her go." Dani said. "Never." Brittany punched Dani the face. Dani yelped in pain. Santana rushed to her side, and yelled at the tall blonde. "What's you're problem?!" "She didn't cooperate." Brittany said simply. Santana slpped her. "NEVER come back. I never want to see you again." Santana took Dani to the choir room, where Rachel and Kurt were talking. "Oh my god! Dani what happened?!" Rachel exclaimed. "Brittany hurt Dani." "Why?!" "Because I didn't want to give San to her." Dani said. Kurt got and ice pack and Rachel ran to Brittany in the hallway and kicked her. "Never hurt my family again!" Rachel warned.

Santana and Dani went back to her parents' house. When they arrived at the house, Santana noticed that her girlfriend was sleeping. She carried the blonde to her room and placed her in her bed. Santana kissed her cheek and went to sleep on the couch.

~The next morning~

Dani woke up in a bed. "Where am I? Where's San?" She asked herself. She went down the stairs and found Santana sleeping on the couch. Dani gently woke her up with a kiss. Santana's eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, beautiful." The latina said. "Good morning." Dani walked to the kitchen, preparing herself breakfast." Santana followed her and wrapped her arms around Dani's waist. "D, we need to talk." Dani looked at her. "Ok." Santana and Dani sat at the table and Santana said. "Dani, I'm so sorry about yesterday. I know that she's a bitch. I shouldn't have left you two alone. How's your cheek?" Dani touched her right cheek and cringed. "It hurts." Santana put an ice pack on her cheek. "San, where are we? And how did I wake up in a bed and you were on the couch?" Santana chuckled. " I drove back to my parents' house. And when we arrived, you were sleeping. So I carried you to my room and put you in my bed. I took a blanket and slept on the couch." Dani smiled. "I'm really sorry.." Santana apologized again. "It's ok, San." "No it's not ok. This pissed you off, me too, but you actually got hurt badly. It's all my fault." Dani walked up to her girlfriend. "San, it isn't your fault. She just caught me off guard. And she was just jealous of me that I had the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world be my girlfriend and not hers." Santana blushed. Dani leaned in and kissed her. Santana's hands moved down to Dani's waist. Dani wrapped her arms around Santana's neck. Santana licked Dani's lip, begging for an entrance. Dani granted her wish directly. As their tongues danced, Santana pushed Dani against the wall. She lifted Dani's leg, pressing her hip against hers. Santana carried Dani into her room. "Babe, we can't do this." "Why not?" "We have to join Rachel and Kurt at school." "Just a few more minutes." the latina pleaded. "Later, I promise." Dani winked at her girlfriend and they went back to the school.

After a few days, Santana, Dani, and Kurt left back to New York. Rachel mourned and stayed at Quinn's house for a couple of weeks.

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