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"What ya thinking about?" Luke asked his sister who was looking at her window. "Nothing." she replied. "And I have to believe that?" He sat down on her bed. She looked at him. "I know that look." he smirked. "C'mon tell me." Sophia couldn't help but look down and smile. "You know you can tell me anything." Luke begged.

It's true. Sophia could tell her brother anything. They shared secrets that no one else was supposed to know. They could truly trust each other.

"I saw him again when I was stuck at Starbucks." she told him. "He talked to me." "I thought that you hated him." Luke said. "Yeah, but what he told me changed my point of view." "So you're saying you like him?" "I respect him." Sophia said. "That's a new one." She gave him a look. "Are you gonna see him again?" he asked her. "Probably not." she sighed and looked back out the window.

Justin's been on her mind since that day at Starbucks. She had realized she got to see a Justin not a lot of people get to see. He was honest with her. He told Sophia his true feelings and she didn't understand why. However she was still convinced she wouldn't run into him again anytime soon. But maybe, just maybe, she was wrong.

"Guess what?" Romy said out of nowhere making Sophia look at her. They were at Sophia's house watching a movie. "What?" "Well I heard Justin Bieber is giving a concert in town for charity and we're going." Romy told her best friend. Sophia's eyes widened. "What? I don't know anything about this." she said. "And what makes you think I want to go?" "I just assumed it since you respect him now."

Sophia sighed as she didn't know whether she should go or not. Of course she wanted to hear him sing and she definitely wanted to see him again and this was the perfect opportunity. A smile appeared on her face. "When's the concert?" she asked. "Tomorrow."

Sophia was nervous about this concert. She didn't know why though. Maybe because she was going to see Justin again. Justin on the other hand wasn't nervous at all. He got used to this over the years. It was his job. His life.

Justin was preparing himself for the concert later that day. He had absolutely no idea that the girl he would fall in love with was going to be in the crowd.

Romy and Sophia were getting ready for the concert when Luke walked into the room. "Why are you guys dressed like that? Going to a party without me?" he asked as he checked out Romy. "Luke, what are you doing in my room?" Sophia asked him while putting on her shoes. "Saying hello to my girlfriend." he smirked putting his arm around Romy's shoulder. "I am not your girlfriend. Never in a million years." "You know you love me." Luke smirked. Romy glared at him and moved away from him. "Sophia, tell your brother to stay away from me." "Why should I?" "Because I'm your best friend!" "Luke, we all know you like her but please leave her alone." she told her brother. "I don't like her. But fine, I'll leave her alone." he sighed. "But first I want to know where you're going." "We're going to that Justin Bieber concert." "Justin Bieber?" he repeated, not believing his sister. "Yes, now leave." she said pushing him out the room. Sophia loves her brother, but he can be so annoying sometimes.

The concert was inside, because it was too cold outside. Romy and Sophia were waiting in line to get in. Girls were freaking out. They were all talking about how they would see their idol in an hour and how much they wanted to meet him. Little did they know that Sophia met him a few times and actually talked to him. Sophia was pretty excited. She couldn't wait to see him again.

"Those girls are so annoying with all the screaming." Sophia complained as they were looking for their seats. "I know right." Romy groaned.

They sat down and waited for the concert to start. There were a lot of people and all the money that was going to be raised would be given to a local charity who gives homeless and poor people food and a place to stay on these cold winter days.

The lights turned off and the screams became louder. A few seconds later the music started playing and Justin appeared on stage. Hearing his voice and realizing that he's actually a good person, Sophia regretted ever hating him for actually no reason. She knew he could sing. She never doubted that. If he couldn't, he wouldn't have millions of fans.

"Thank you for taking me." Sophia said to her best friend. Romy smiled and replied: "You're welcome."

When the concert was over, the both of them left the building and just walked around. Girls were trying to find Justin. Hoping they would get a chance to meet him. A few girls suddenly started screaming and ran to something or better someone.

"C'mon." Romy said and took Sophia's hand running after those girls. "What are you doing?" Sophia asked, trying to stop her. "Justin! Justin!" Romy yelled trying to get his attention.

Justin looked into their direction and smiled when he saw Sophia. He walked to them. "Sophia right?" he asked. She nodded. "What are you doing here?" Justin asked as he hugged her. "Well my best friend here surprised me with tickets to your show." Sophia told him.

As Justin talked to Sophia, girls were jealous because Justin knew that mysterious girl and she could just talk to him like he was a friend.

Justin was happy Sophia was at the concert that night. He really wanted to talk to her. He felt like he could be himself around her. Like she didn't care who he was. To her, he was just another guy. A guy with a big heart and who cared about others. Justin loved talking to her and somehow she was all he could think about.


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When two worlds collide...
By Bieberworld_x

When two worlds collide // justin bieberWhere stories live. Discover now