the woman

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Once in the long ago time, before the world was as it is now, the rain came every night and was controlled by a deep magic. No one knew why it came but all fell asleep at night and when they awoke, the ground was wet. The plants and animals were renewed, crops were watered, all was good. 

Until a man named Greg, a curious sort, wanted to know all there was to know. He tried to stay awake to see the rain, only to fall asleep. Watching the world, he noticed  in the late day, a mist grow deep in the dark, dark forest where no one went. Greg decided the rain must come from there as man lived everywhere else. Wanting to know all, he made the choice to lose his life if necessary so he could know the magic of the rain. One day, at dawn, he made his way into the woods, deeper and deeper he went. The trees became more menacing and closer together, the traveling became harder, rougher, but still he pressed on, Even as brambles tore his skin. 

As the day waned, Greg believed he would fail and die without knowing what he desired. He closed his eyes, and wept, wept so much did his heart need to know, as his tears struck the ground and called forth the animals and birds of the forest. Who, moved by the magic of his need, came to him and pushed him. helping him to keep going, the light failed and still Greg moved onward. Until he saw in the distance a tall, tall waterfall. Springing forth from the highest peak of the highest mountain of the forest. As it fell, it's waters turned to mist, reflecting a hidden light at the base. he moved forward and saw a young, gloriously beautiful woman glowing in the dark. Her eyes shinning with the light of her inner beauty, but there were tears streaming down her face and dripping into the waters of the pool at the base of the waterfall. As they mingled, the mist rose, and rose, and rose, spreading fourth from that center of the world. Greg knew this was the deep magic of the world, of it's daily renewal.

He moved forward on his own now, slowly, the maiden did not see him approach, so caught up was she in her sorrow, and as she looked up at the falls, Greg lifted his hand, moving closer to her. Until his fingertips touched the tears on her face, instead of traveling to the pool, they mingled with his, now streaming because of how his heart was by her sorrow. She stared and turned, looking with her wide and beautiful eyes, into his and she saw for once what she had always needed. Compassion, love and in the instant... The world was remade, the two were joined in a way no one can explain. They fused. His need to know all led to his need to know her heart, and her needs. her need to be loved was fulfilled in his heart and soul. The world was remade, no more were the two alone. No more were they two, but one. No more was the magic of the needed love rampant in the world, for in their love, all was made whole. and as it is now. We, my readers can love, live, and experience just a shade of their experience and we live.

The End.

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