I PULL OVER at my parking space in the campus, I hang my camera around my neck, then I grab my handbag and books with the coffee I got on my way to school and head to class.I walk into the class and I glance at my friend, Sam. He is already sitting down at the back of the class. I lift my camera up to my face and take a picture of him before walking to the empty seat beside him.
"Hey" I take my sit and place my coffee on the desk. The smell of his cologne slides through my nose and I love the way he smells.
I stylishly scrutinize him in his brown leather jacket and blue jeans. His shinny black was falling on his face which makes him look more appealing.
"Hey, princess" He sends me a broad smile.
Staring at his blues eyes reminds me of Liam and I smiled. I shouldn't be smiling but I am. What is wrong with me?
"You look good as always" Dan said and I smiled again. I know I always do.
"Thanks, you smell good too." I said and winked at him.
"Did you post your pictures this morning?"
"What do you think?" I rolled my eyes at him. He's asking despite knowing the answer to the question. He always make sure to like my pictures and comment nice things about them and I love him for that.
"I'm liking them right away" he brings out his phone and starts digging through.
"You missed classes yesterday again. You really should stop doing that." He says with his head buried in his phone.
"Can't I take a little break?" I scoff.
"Sure you can. So how was your break?"
"Not so good" I huff.
"Why?" His head snaps up immediately.
"Liana got me an annoying roommate" I say in a low tone.
"You have a roommate?" He raises his brow.
"Yea. I have never met an asshole like my roommate. Who doesn't go to school or have a job this days, Uh?"
"A spoilt rich brat?" He chuckles.
"If that is the case, I should probably be somewhere in France, sipping some pina colada in a Jacuzzi right now." I roll my eyes. If truly I have my way, I'll prefer to be on a tour around the world, far from this shitty part of the world than being in here with some bunch of clueless clowns. But coming to school has really help me in so many ways.
"It's really not your thing, you prefer being mean than to act like the queen of england"
"What??" I said quietly "I'm not mean, I'm just sensitive to bullshit" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm just saying" he shrugs his shoulder.
"Am I mean?" I ask after giving what he said another thought. I'm not that bad, I can't be. I'm the nicest person I've ever met.
He smirked. "A little, remember the first day we met?"
"What?" I gazed at him. "I can't believe you're saying this to me. I thought we're past that" He doesn't expect me to like him at first sight. He was also getting too clingy and that was so annoying.
"I'm just saying the truth Vi" The truth? He chuckles.
"You shouldn't hurt a friend with the truth"
"I'm telling you because you're my friend"
"I hate you" I pouted my lips at him.
"Come on, don't be mad"
"Oh no, I am so mad at you" I glared at him to show how serious I was.
"Come on, don't be. Tell me about your roommate"
"I don't wanna talk about him" I roll my eyes. Talking about him will probably piss me off the more. The fact that I had a stupid dream about him makes me so so angry. I'm really letting him to get inside of my head.
"Him? Did you just say him?" His eye widens in disbelief.
I nod my head. "Yea"
"Your roommate is a guy?" He cocks his headed to the side.
"Yeah" I roll my eyes at him again. Wasn't he listening when I said Him.
"Now I am so mad. I offered to move in, you refused and now you have a man in your apartment. Way to go Vi"
"I never wanted that, it was all Liana's doing"
"I am so getting her for this" he clenched his knuckles. "I just hope your roommate keep being an asshole 'cos you deserve him"
"What?" I question as my mouth falls open in shock. I can't believe he hates me that much. I thought he was my friend but clearly he isn't. "You hate me that much?" I questioned again but he only smiled at me. Then I realised the professor was already in the classroom.
It's going to be another long boring day.
Classes were finally over for the day. It's been a long boring day just like I've predicted. I can feel my back aching and my legs seems shaky as I walk out of the lecture room with Dan beside me. My head hurts pretty bad, it must have been the result of waking up from a loud music by an asshole in my goddamn apartment.
The soft wind hits me on the face and sends shivers down my veins.
I raise my canon camera up from chest and take pictures of people on campus, mostly people who were not looking. It gives a great story to the picture. As I go through the pictures, I smile at each of the them.
The thought of going back to my apartment crossed my mind and I feel my smile suddenly disappear. I was smiling at the thought of him a while ago but now I don't know why I feel different.
I feel like I'm letting him to get in my head too soon and I have to keep things under control. My urge for him might drive me crazy sooner than I expected.
"Can we go to your place?" I turn to Dan. I'm really not ready to go and face that numskull, I really just hope I won't die sooner than expected, he's really getting on my nerves. He dare slam the door on my face. How dare him??? Who does he think he is? Almighty gorgeous?
"You don't wanna go back to your apartment?" Dan asked. Why does people answer a fucking question with a fucking question? I just don't get it.
"No, I don't" I huff.
"Is it because of him?"
I roll my eyes while tilting my head to the side. "Yea." Dan let out a soft chuckle and I raised my brow at him. Is he trying to make fun of me or what?
"What's funny? If you don't want me to come to your place. It's fine" I roll my eyes and look away. I was already getting pissed. He should feel lucky I'm offering to come to his place
"No...Vi. You can come to my place if you wanna."
"I'll go get my car, get yours and we'll meet up at my place"
"Okay" I nodded and we parted ways. I got to my car and drove to Dan's apartment, It took me few minutes to get there. When I pulled over, Dan was already home. He's really fast with driving.
I get down from my car after grabbing my phone and my camera. I joined Dan where he was waiting and we both went in.
At least I can have a moment without thinking about Him.
And share.

General Fiction"As long as you're in those memories, I can endure the pain" Violet Harwood thought her life was perfect and would be free of drama with no man in it. All she wanted was take pictures for Instagram and probably finish college in no time. But her pe...