STANDING AT THE BALCONY after a long and hard day, It's almost freezing outside tonight and I enjoy the feeling of the gentle wind on my face, sending chills through my pores.
I feel so alone. Ivy is asleep and my suppose flat mate is not home.
I'm still trying to figure out what Dan said to me. Is it that I'm not nice enough or I'm not nice at all. How is it even possible to be nice to a dickhead like him?
All the thinking brings me back to Liana and I miss her. I miss Liana so much. I miss sitting here with her and I miss talking at nights with her.
My head hurts so bad from thinking about him, it hurts from thinking about today.
I sucked in a quick sharp breath as I stare at the beautiful sky. The stars are trying to outshine one another and I'm trying to pick out constellations. I raise up my camera and take picture of the sky.
I hear the door creak open and shut, I didn't bother checking it out, I know it's Liam. It would be better to just stay here, stare and the stars and laugh all by myself. His face would probably piss me off or turn me on. And he could just say something stupid again.
It's not like I expect him to talk to me after pissing him off so bad tonight.
I bring my camera to my face again and take another picture. I hear a soft laugh behind me and I turn around.
It's hard to believe the scumbag can actually laugh.
"What's so funny?" I said, giving him a straight look.
"Do I look like a clown?"
I rolled my eyes at him.
"You're taking pictures of the sky" he scoff "that's dumb" I can perceive alcohol all over him. It's not hard to tell through his dreamy ocean blue eyes. Who on earth would think taking taking pictures of the sky is dumb? A drunk dummy of course.
"There is nothing wrong with taking pictures of something you like dummy" I turn back around and take another picture.
I take a glance at something that looks like a shooting star and I take a picture of it.
"You wanna make a wish?" I said still looking into the camera. He suddenly went mute. Maybe he passed out already. I can just take advantage of that and get over with the ice-cream craving.
I turned around to see him staring at me like he was seeing me for the first time.
"So you believe in that thing"
"I guess so"
He scoffs. "I can't believe this, do you know how pathetic you sound saying yes?"
"You're really an asshole. I never said yes"
"I know"
"Everyone believes in it. Who doesn't? A meathead like you, I guess" I sneered.
"No, People who don't think like the rest of the world. People who think beyond what everyone else are thinking."
"So you think it's a good thing not to think like the rest of the world?" I raised my brow at him.
"I know it is the best thing"
"Let's assume you believe. If you were to make a wish, what would you wish for?" I tilted my head to the side, faking a smile.
"Why would I tell you what I wish for?"
"You don't have to tell me"
"Hmm...well it would be to get you in my bed tonight" My body twitched at his words. I fucking want that. I want him to move closer and kiss me right now. I want him to fan the scruff of my neck with his breathe and place a kiss on it, then lift me up by bum and I can wrap my legs around his waist tightly. I want him to take me in, throw me on his bed and take my clothes off without hesitation. I want that so bad but I can't let him win.
I don't know why but I just want that do bad. He has that much effect on me despite being an asshole.
"You're a first class asshole" I shake my head at him almost giving him a disgusting look to look convincing.
He smirks. "I know that"
"Since you don't believe in it, it can't work for you"
"You mean you're hard to get "
"I'm impossible to get in bed with a dickless moron" I spat.
He suddenly went mute again. I don't know what he's thinking about but I'm sure he's definitely searching for words to hurt me. "You're not so nice, you know" what has that got to do with calling him dickless?
"Neither are you" he has never been nice too. He get on my nerves every minute I see him.
"You've been so annoying since the moment I saw you"
"Are you shitting me? What about you? You've been a douchetruck since the very minute you stepped into this apartment. I haven't even seen you smile or laugh. Do you ever smile?"
He stood still, staring at me like I just said something stupid until he let out a soft laugh, it became louder and harder. Every where was filled with his husky voice.
I kept staring at him wondering the kind of person this fool really is.
He stopped laughing and gave me a questioning look.
"what? You wanted me to laugh. Now that you've seen me laughing, will you stop being a bitch?"
So he thinks I'm a bitch. I let the corner of my lips go up forming the meanest smirk ever. "No" I replied and walk past him.
I've had enough of him for today. But the look on his face says he just wants peace. I want that too.
I got to the entrance of the living room and turn around. "Goodnight"
He smirked. "Goodnight."
I hope this is not just a pretence. If he's suddenly back to being a jerk, I won't hesitate to chop his balls off.
I turn back around and walk into my bedroom.
I crawled into bed after placing my camera on my dresser and changing into my white pyjama.
I hope to have a wet-free dream tonight.
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General Fiction"As long as you're in those memories, I can endure the pain" Violet Harwood thought her life was perfect and would be free of drama with no man in it. All she wanted was take pictures for Instagram and probably finish college in no time. But her pe...