FINALLY, THERE'S A MOMENT OF PEACE in here, everyone is gone and I'm so relieved.
I can't believe this daft cow I have as a room mate. He's only been here for few hours and he thinks he can bring in anyone to my apartment.
I heaved a sigh of relief and take my sit beside Dan who was sitting on the couch.
Dan seems shut of words, all he could do was concentrate on his phone. I am so sure he must be feeling sorry for me. My life sudden take a new turn since the douchetruck showed up.
The door creaked open and Liam walked in, his brows were furrowed and his lips were set on a straight hard line. He doesn't seems to like what just happened but I really don't care. This is my fucking apartment and I make the rules.
I actually thought he would be leaving with his friend but no- he's back in.
"What the hell?" He growls.
I stood up from the couch so I could look him straight in the eyes. His ocean blue eyes won't be having any effect this time. It's not going to shut me up.
"What the hell?" I yelled back.
"I live here too, you know"
"I can still kick you out, you know" Hell yeah, I haven't collected any cash from him-yet. I really don't need his money. I have enough cash to last me my entire life.
"You're unbelievable" he spats annoyingly.
"You're unbelievable" I repeated after him. I think I've been doing that a lot lately. "I told you 'no unnecessary visitors"
"You can just tell me to always hold my breath when I'm the apartment" he raised his brow.
"Yeah I can. It's my apartment". He turns around towards his room and I hear Dan let out a soft chuckle. That must be because he's busy with his phone.
Liam turned back around with rage almost taking over him.
"Who's this?" He pointed to Dan.
"He's Dan, my friend." I replied. Dan finally raised up his head.
"So you can bring whoever you like in here and I don't get to?" That's just the dumbest question I've heard all week.
"You can, but not some skunk and punk. I won't allow that"
"Oh...okay" He turns around and headed to his room. I rolled my eyes and sat back on the couch.
Dan looked at me and laughs. I wonder if there is anything funny going on. For a moment I thought Dan would kick his ass for me. He's such a fucking girl.
Suddenly a loud music starts playing again. I snapped my head up and look around. It's coming from Liam's room and I can feel my fist clenching.
I am so going to kill that bastard!
Dan looked at me and smirked, not saying a word before looking back at his phone.
I stood up from the couch and headed to his door and knocked angrily, almost hurting my knuckles.
"Open the door" I yelled.
He didn't hesitate to open the door this time. My mouth fell open and my gaze were glued on his shirtless body. Now I'm beginning to wonder if he does that to torment me or he's really trying to make me fall for him.
"What now?" His husky voice snapped my head up.
"Turn the music down, now!" I commanded. If he has to stay in my apartment, he has to follow the rules.
"Why? It's not morning" he raised his brow.
"So? Just turn it down"
"You're so unbelievable. Can't I do one thing I like in peace without you complaining?"
"No you can't" I shake my head nonchalantly.
He shakes his head and turns around, taking a step back into his room. He shuts the door before I could say any other word.
I walk back to the couch, furious and take my sit beside Dan.
Dan wouldn't stop laughing at at his phone and that just makes more angry.
The music finally stopped and I take a deep breath.
Liam came out of his room with a black jacket over his shoulder. He closed his room door behind him before finally giving me an irritating look.
I looked away while tapping my feet. I suddenly feel good for pissing him off so bad.
I hear the apartment door creaked open and slams shut. I lifted my head up to find Liam out of the apartment.
"Did you see that?" I stood up from the couch and turn to Dan.
"See what?" Dan asked with his head still buried in his phone. I just want to grab the phone from him and throw it at the wall. I can get him another or even two if he wishes.
"Are you seriously asking me that? Can't you see?" I said, fumed.
Dan looked up and take a deep sigh. "Vi...I think you should go easy on him"
"Go easy on him? With him acting like fuck nugget" I can't believe Dan is taking his side right now. He haven't even been a nice person to Dan since he steps in.
"You can kick him out. I don't know why he's here when you two obviously hate each other. He'll drive you crazy as long as you don't learn to put up with his shits" Dan says.
"Oh yeah?" I raised my brow at him waiting for him to say something less annoying.
"Yes Vi...Be nice" Dan stands up from the couch and I wonder what he's trying to do. "Bree is here. I gotta go now."
"Uh...okay" I've almost forgotten Dan's girlfriend would be picking him up soon.
"Are you sure you don't wanna hang out" Dan asks.
I'd rather stay spend time with Ivy than to be the fucking third wheel.
"Alright...I'll see you tomorrow" Dan moves closer to me and throws his arm around me, kissing me on the cheek before stepping out.
It was just me, myself and I all alone in here.
I huffed as I take a quick look around and I shake my head.
I can't believe this. I murmur to myself.
The living room is a little bit messed up. I wonder what it would have looked like if I had not stopped the party. I definitely can't leave it like this. It will only take few minutes to clean it up.
I heaved a deep sigh before I start picking up the trash.
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