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Trees swayed gently in the breeze as we sped past them in the car. My head was leaning on window beside me, temple pressed against the cool glass.

Our car was in front, 2 others following behind. Rick and Daryl were in the front, Carl, Michonne and myself in the back. Abe, Eugene, Carol and Sasha were in the one behind, and the last consisted of Glenn and Maggie, Judith with them so she could sleep in the back if she wanted too.

Everyone's chat blurred into background noise as I wasn't paying attention, my eyes fluttering shut every now and then from tiredness. The sky began to cloud over, and I saw the wind pick up slightly. Leaves that had been discarded from trees swiftly danced through the air, reminding me it was around fall time. Fall used to be my favourite season as a child. I loved the noise it made when leaves crunched beneath me, and the breeze carded through my hair. I smiled subconsciously, recalling the precious memories of my childhood.

I was pulled abruptly from my thoughts when I felt the car stop moving, and became more attentive to what was happening.

Rick and Daryl left the car to speak with Glenn, followed by Carl, whilst I questioned Michonne as to what was going on.

"I think Glenn's car broke. They're trying to figure out if it can be fixed, or if they're gonna have to ride with us." She explained.

I gave her a confused look as I asked, "How are we all gonna fit in two cars?"

"You tell me," Michonne laughed slightly.

I returned a laugh as Carl came back over to explain the situation.

"Glenn's car won't move, so we gotta fit him, Maggie and Judith in with us and Abe's car." We all climbed out of the car too discuss where everyone was gonna sit.

"Michonne, you're gonna ride with Abe, and Carol's offered to take Judith. So that means Glenn and Maggie are with us." Rick explained to everyone.

Carl had his hands placed around my waist, making me feel secure even though I was only stood in front of the car.

"How are six of us gonna sit in the car that only has 5 seats?" I questioned, watching Glenn and Daryl nudge each other and stifle a laugh.

"You'll have to sit on Carl's lap for us all to fit. Sorry Y/N, I hope you don't mind." Rick responded.

"I know Carl won't," Daryl smirked as Glenn started to snigger. I glare at them both as Maggie slaps Glenn's arm to attempt to make him stop.

"Okay everyone back into the cars," Rick directed us after the group stopped chuckling at Daryl's comment.

Rick and Daryl remained in the front, Glenn next to one window, Maggie seated in the middle and Carl in my previous seat. I lightly sat on his legs, trying to find the most comfortable way to sit. I was obviously taking to long, as Carl grabbed my hips and turned my body, my back facing the door and legs crossing over his lap. I moved my head to the crook of his neck and snuggled into him. He wrapped his strong arms around me and placed one on my back and the other on my thigh.

"You okay baby?" He whispered in my ear, trying to keep the others from hearing our conversation.

"I'm okay, I'm not hurting you am I? I can move if I am," I asked concerned, I didn't want Carl to be sat uncomfortable because of me.

"No don't worry, I'm fine. You weigh hardly anything anyway, we need to find you some more food." He smiled at me, as I returned the favour.

"Hey Carl, not getting a little too comfortable back there are you?" Daryl commented again, clearly amused by our situation.

"Yeah guys, I mean it's possible to do it in the back of a car but not when it's full of other people." Glenn said bursting into fits of laughter after the words left his mouth. Daryl seemed to find it hilarious and even Rick laughed a little more than he should considering they were talking about his son.

"Very funny, asshole." I replied, giving them both an unamused face, before looking at Carl who's cheeks had turned a nice shade of red.

"That hand better stay where it is Carl." Daryl said in a serious voice, before cracking a smile at us both.

"When we get out this car I'm totally gonna kick your ass," Carl grumbled quietly.

"Oh I would love to see you try kid." The smirk never leaving Daryl's face.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them and snuggled myself into Carl's chest, hoping to take his mind off of Daryl and Glenn's teasing. I picked up his hand and laced our fingers together, gently stroking my thumb over the back of his. Closing my eyes in comfort.

I jolted quickly as I felt Carl tighten his hold on my body after we hit a bump in the road.

"Sorry," Rick grunted, obviously tired from driving for so long.

I gazed around the car for a while, adjusting my eyes until they landed on Carl, and found him staring right back at me.

Glenn and Maggie were both sleeping, and Daryl was quietly chatting to Rick.

"Hey, you sleep okay?" He asked me softly.
I nodded my head, whispering back to him, "Yeah, pretty good actually, we should sleep like this more often." A grin appeared on his face, and I leaned up to place a long kiss to his chapped lips.

After I pulled away, I heard someone clear their throat.

"Uhh guys I thought we agreed that no one's doing anything in the back of the car." Glenn remarked, after waking up to me and Carl kissing.

Everyone seemed to laugh a little, and I placed my head onto Carl's shoulder again, a smile still on my face.

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