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2. "Hey, hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore."
9. "You're Satan."

I sat up in bed violently, shaking and trembling from the nightmare I'd just endured. I'd been experiencing them since we came to Alexandria, obviously showing I was having a slightly difficult time adjusting to my new surroundings. I got on well with everybody, but there was still a small doubt that all of this was too good to be true. That's what fuelled my dreams, of being the only one left, the whole of Alexandria filling with walkers. Losing everyone, having to fight off members of my own group who tried to attack me in their walker forms. It was the same dream every time, but it still made me panic. It still gave me the idea that my small fears could become a huge reality.

My skin was damp with sweat, causing my hair to stick to my forehead and become tangled from tossing and turning in the bed so much. I slowed my breathing, waiting for my heart rate to go down after going at a million beats per second. I looked over at the time, noticing it was 6:38am. I lay back in my bed, trying to stay calm and attempt to get back to sleep, but it didn't work. After a while of debating, I slowly crept out of my bed, and made my way to Carl's room, knowing he could help me relax again. 

I knocked softly on his door, and to my surprise it opened. I didn't expect Carl to be awake, not many people were, it was still pretty early. 

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Carl asked, with concern evident in his voice.

"I just, I had a dream again. I couldn't go back to sleep. Sorry, did I wake you?" I apologised, panicked that I'd disturbed him.

"No, I was already awake. Was it the same one? The dream?" Carl grabbed hold of my hand and led me into his room, moving to sit on the bed.

"Yeah. The walkers." My voice cracked slightly, indicating I was still a little worked up and Carl saw this immediately.

"Hey, hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore." He pulled me into his arms, and I focused on listening to his heartbeat to stop thinking about the dream. "They'll stop eventually, you'll be okay. You just have to get used to everything, like everyone else has too."

"I know. I hope that's soon." I sighed, becoming fed up of having the same dream over and over.

"It will be. And until it happens, I'll be here." Carl smiled, looking at me lovingly.

"Thanks, Carl." I giggled, "what are you doing up anyway?"

"I just woke up early, couldn't get back to sleep. I'm happy I did though, because now I get to spend a couple of hours with you before everyone else wakes up."

"You're so cute." I leaned up to place my lips on his, touching them together softly, showing my love for him. I pulled away and he stared deeply into my eyes, a smile appearing on his face.

"You're cuter. Even with that hair." He smirked flattening my hair down for me.

"Not all of us can have good hair all the time Carl! You're just lucky." I sat up, and folded my arms watching him laugh at my response.

"True, and even if you had good hair all the time, it'd be hard to get it to look as good as mine." Carl wrapped his arms around my waist so I ended up straddling him, attempting to stop laughing at his last comment.

"Hey! My hair looks as good as yours does sometimes." I grinned, running a hand through his hair as I spoke.

"Of course it does." Carl said teasingly with a hint of sarcasm, making me playfully hit his chest.

"Hey! I'm kidding Y/N, you look better than me all the time." He smiled, cupping my face with both of his hands and kissing my nose. A blush tinted my cheeks a soft pink, as I leaned my face into his hands.

"You're being cute again." I commented, still running my fingers through his hair. "Your hair is getting pretty long now."

"I know. I don't wanna cut it though." He shrugged, moving his hands back down to my waist.

"No, don't cut it. I like it like this." I brushed it back away from his face, watching him watch what I was doing. "Will you let me—"

"Y/N, I've already told you, you're not braiding my hair!" Carl interrupted, refusing to let me do what I wanted.

"You're no fun." I pouted, furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"Shut up." He laughed, leaning forward and capturing my lips in another kiss. One of his hands moved to hold my face again, pulling me closer into him as my hands linked together behind his neck. The kiss deepened and all the feelings of my dream had been long forgotten, Carl and I only focused on each other, which made me feel at ease. Carl was the one to pull away, resting his forehead on mine and looking into my eyes. We stayed that way for a few moments, both of us regaining our breath from the kiss, enjoying being in each other's arms.

"You know...we still have about an hour before most people will start to get up..." Carl trailed off, holding my hands and intertwining our fingers together. I glanced at the time and bit my lip slightly before responding to Carl.

"Actually...I promised to help Tara, she said Denise needs some help in the infirmary. Sorry, baby." I explained, slightly amused by Carl's disappointed reaction.

"Y/N..." Carl groaned, pouting at me like I had earlier. I took the opportunity to kiss him passionately, making up for having to leave. His hands immediately locked back on my waist, holding me tight. I had to break the kiss far too soon for Carl's liking, jumping off his lap and heading for the door.

"I gotta go, I'll see you later Carl. I love you!" I called as I opened the door of his room.

"You're Satan." Carl chuckled, not happy about me having to leave so soon. "But I love you too."

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