I Think

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*Warning - smut*

23. "There's a herd of them!"

I leant against the car which Carl and I had used to get to a nearby town, Rick allowing us to make a run to try and rid us from our boredom. I was waiting for Carl to finish scouting out a small house, I'd already cleared upstairs and loaded all of my findings into the car. I scanned around the other houses, noticing there was a small convenient store at the end of the row, not far from us. I made a mental note to mention it to Carl, to see if he thought it might be worth it.

I mindlessly kicked a stone around that was by my feet whilst I waited, become startled when I noticed Carl's shoes coming into view.

"You look a little spaced out there." Carl laughed, opening the car door and dumping the extra bag we took with us in the back.

"Sorry, was just waiting for you." I smiled, reminding myself of the store down the street. "There's a little store not too far down there, you wanna check it out?" 

"Yeah, we might as well. We have enough time too." Carl agreed, slinging another half full bag on his back and taking the lead as we began to idly walk down the road. We reached the store quickly, finding no walkers as we entered, a pleasant surprise.

Both of us made quick work of looking for random hidden treasures, but mostly finding useless stuff that people had already been through and discarded after deciding it was no use to them.

"You got anything?" I called out to Carl as I ventured further into the store, hoping to find something we could bring back to Alexandria.

"Nope." He called back, giggling and popping out from behind a shelf further down from where I was stood.

"It was worth a shot, I guess." I shrugged, watching him turn back to whatever he was looking at.

Suddenly I heard a groan from behind me, the shuffling of a falling apart walker approaching me. I store my knife from my belt, able to put it down quick enough before it was a threat to either of us. However, it wasn't successful enough as I ended up with blood dripping all over my shirt, making it cling to me uncomfortably. could hear more noise from the distance, looking out the window and realising where the walker had come from.

"There's a herd of them!" I alerted Carl, who joined me immediately, then pulled me to hide out of sight.

"We have to find somewhere to hide in here, wait it out. We won't be able to make it to the car, and even then they'll be in the way for us to drive anywhere." Carl explained, holding my arm and pulling me towards another door in the back of the room.

I stumbled along behind him, dodging between the shelves and trying to keep up with his fast moving feet. I was pulled into what seemed like a small storage closet, Carl pulling the door shut behind us and resting his back on it. I looked at him and grimaced a little, receiving a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" He leaned up, approaching me so he was stood opposite.

"I feel gross." I sniggered slightly, gesturing to my shirt and it's deep blood stain.

"Couldn't you have been more careful?" He teased, smirking at my awkward stance as the blood was sticking to me.

"Too busy saving your ass." I smirked back, happy about my triumphant response.

"You seem pretty confident for someone who's covered in walker guts." He grinned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Are you gonna help?" I shot back, raising an eyebrow and giving him attitude.

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