3 - Grief Is Weird Kaya

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iMessage between Josh and Kaya
Kaya: Where tf are you? Car description?
Josh: Shit yeah. Red Tesla model S
Kaya: Sick, think I see you
Josh: we'll get out
Kaya: yep :) See me?

Josh looked up from his phone and saw a beautiful girl waving at him trying to get his attention. She is holding a baby and a suitcase. Her sister is standing right next to her holding her own suitcase. The two girls smile at him and Vik whilst walking over to them.
"Hey." Kaya smiles brightly setting her suitcase down on the ground and wrapping her free arm around Josh tightly. She does the same with Vik and Sage also gives the boys a hug.
"This must be Stella." Josh says looking at the baby in Kaya's arms.
"Yep this is the little monster." Kaya replies moving her hair from her face thanks to the wind. "Tell you what, its fucking cold in England can we get in the car before I freeze my tits off?" She asks shivering in her top and shorts.
"Sure. You get in I'll put these in the car." Vik offers and the girls climb into Vik's brand new car and just hoping they won't get caught for not having a car seat for Stella. It's not that far.

@Kaya_SantiagoYT: London, I'm in you ❤️

Kaya posted the photo to twitter and closed the app knowing the replies would be full of questions

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Kaya posted the photo to twitter and closed the app knowing the replies would be full of questions. She turned back to the conversation happening the car. When Sage said something funny and Josh laughed Kaya got those heart flutters that you get when someone you like does something cute or sweet. She hasn't felt this it what feels like forever. But it's only been 10 months. 10 months since her boyfriend, Ryan passed away. There is so much she's still hiding from these boys who think they know her so well. They only know the side that Kaya wants them to see. Not the other side.
But why was she getting heart flutters over Josh? Yes he's cute but you only get that when you truly have feelings for someone.
"Kaya. You okay?" Sage asks putting her hand onto her sister's shoulder.
"Yeah good. Just tired." She fake smiles. They all buy it.

@SageySanti: Thought this outfit was cute until I got to London. It's fucking freezing!😂

 It's fucking freezing!😂

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@Kaya_SantiagoYT: @SageySanti LANGUAGE young lady!

@SageySanti: @Kaya_SantiagoYT Shhhh don't tell

@Kaya_SantiagoYT: @SageySanti I won't cuz you have a nice bum

@KSI: @SageySanti @Kaya_SantiagoYT I agree with Kaya😏

@SageySanti: @KSI @Kaya_SantiagoYT 😏💕

@Kaya_Santiago: @KSI @SageySanti I SHIP IT ⛵️

Group Chat: SDMN and Creww

Kaya: I expect PREMIUM beds up to army standard when we arrive boys.
Simon: I don't know about army standard...
Kaya: Cook us dinner then
Simon: Yes your highness 👸🏼
Sage: Thank you for letting us stay😊
Kaya: Yeah and over crimbo aswell, guess we have to buy you gifts?
JJ: Don't bother thanking us and obviously
Kaya: Okay, I'll figure something out
Josh: Why are you two not talking to us?
Sage: Busy
Josh: Oi, careful
Harry: 😭
Sage: We're pulling into the driveway!!!!!!
JJ: Yayayyaya

The girls step out the car to be greeted by JJ and Simon. Simon is much taller in real life than she expected.
"Can you hold Stella a sec?" Kaya asks Josh like he has a choice. Josh takes her and Kaya runs over to the boys and engulfes them into a massive group hug. Sage joins the hug and after a few seconds they let go.
"We didn't get a greeting like that." Vik says taking out our suitcases from the boot.
"Cuz I don't like you as much as these two." Kaya smiles jokingly but give Vik a massive disgusting kiss on the cheek.
"Ew, you're gross." Vik laughs wiping his cheek with his sleeve. Josh carries Stella into the house, the little baby already taking a place in his heart.

iMessage between Josh and Kaya

Josh: Come down, dinner's ready
Kaya: Why did you text me?
Josh: In case Stella is asleep.
Kaya: Thouhtful, cutie😊
Josh: I made tuna pasta bake

"So Kaya, without sounding at all rude, where is Stella's dad?" Simon asks. I understand his curiosity and answer trying not to get upset.
"Well, he passed away in a car accident when I was 4 months pregnant. He never got to meet her, the doctors were surprised I carried out a healthy pregnancy due to all the stress and heartbreaks I was going through." Kaya explain praying this conversation will end.
"Shit, I'm sorry. Judging by you're face, you don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry for bringing it up." Simon replies and gives Kaya a little add hug.
"Nah, it's okay." Kaya smiles slightly. Without simon asking she probably wouldn't know when or if she would tell them.

Josh comes into Kaya's room later on and sits with her on the bed whilst she's reading a book.  "Hey, just wanted to check you were okay. What simon brought up at dinner seemed to really effect you." He says with caution in hopes not to upset her again.
"I'm good, it's still really fresh that's all, it's not even been a year yet and it's weird that I'm still in love with someone who's dead." She says sitting up and closing her book.
"I bet, it's weird enough still being in love with someone who ran away, who's never coming back. Even after all the shit they put you through, I thought Freya was the love of my life. But I don't know if that exists anymore." Josh admits. This is the first time he's opening up about his true feelings about him and Freya breaking up.
"Yeah, maybe one day I'll find someone else but I always wanted kids close in age. And maybe I just won't get that if I stay wrapped up in Ryan. He's gone, I need to let it be. He'll still always be my first love but I do need to move on eventually, and soon."
"Grief is weird Kay, everyone feels it in different ways, some people never move on. But you just need to know what's right for you and Stella."
"Thank you Josh. I could say the same for you." Kaya smiles.
"Now, why don't we go downstairs before the boys think something's going on?" Josh's asks and Kaya agrees. They walk down the stairs together and see Harry and Sage getting very close. Josh and Kaya smile at each other and join the other guys for a movie, they picked UP. A kids film but they're all big kids at heart anyway.

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