Chapter 12

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(Lydia's POV)

I awake to Britta and VIveka yelling in my face "IT'S CHRISTMAS! WAKE UP LYDIA!" 

"Shut up" I mumble, my eyes still closed.

"Nu Lydia. Låt oss inte förstöra julen" My grandmother says sternly. ( Now Lydia, let's not ruin Christmas)

I groan. "Out" I say pushing them away so i can get dressed. When they leave I put on one of Chandler's baggy shirts and loos pajama pants. 

I start at the clock and it reads 6:30 am. Way too early to be alive. I mean, it's not like I got anything.

I shove my hair in a bun and stumble down stairs. When I reach the bottom, Nova takes my hand and we sit on the floor together in front of the tree along with the twins. My grandparents and Kotler sit on the couch. 

The tree is over loaded with presents wrapped perfectly in wrapping paper with bows. There must me at least 50 presents; Spoiled little shits.

"Att Viveka och Britta, från mamma och pappa" Nova reads, handing the first present to the twins. (To Viveka and Britta, from Mom and Dad)

The twins both rip at the paper to discover matching dolls of some sort. I know they're popular because i see the ads on TV all the time for those cabbage patch dolls. The twins scream and hug Nova.

"Thank you mommy and daddy" They recite as if it was implanted in their brain.

This goes on for a while while, the twins get way too many presents. There is a couple presents left and Nova grabs the next one.

"Att Lydia, frân Nova" Nova reads and hands the present to me. 


I give her a smile and carefully unwrap the present revealing three books: Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant. 

"They're suppose to be really popular and good" She smiles "Oh and when you're done I would like to read them if you don't mind" 

I'm a little surprised she bought me something I actually like. Nova's the type of person who would buy you a piece of clothing in her size, and when you tell her it doesn't fit you she would then take it as her own. So I'm actually pretty impressed.

I give Nova a heart warming smile "Thank you" I say and hug her.

I got some socks from my grandparents and- of course- Viveka and Britta get 2 ipads from my grandparents. 

The last present is for me from Kotler and Nova. But i can tell Kotler wrapped this one.. His handy-work is shit. Seriously needs improving.

I unwrap the gift that reveals 3 bras.. All in my size. How'd he know my bra size? 

I give him a big smile, to pretend i like the gift "Thank you, Kotler. I really needed some new ones" 

Oh and these arn't even normal bras. No, no, these are the really, slutty and uncomfortable ones that pokes half of your chest out. 

Suddenly the queasy feeling in my stomach from that night when him and Viveka were.. You know.. Comes back to my stomach. 

That reminds me, I have to do something about that. But this place.. It's legit perfect. Nova's nice, she lets me do what i wan't, she buys me what i want.. It's like a dark paradise. It's beautiful but it needs lights.

get up to head back to my room but my grandmother stops me with her words "Lydia, vart går du?" (Lydia, where are you going?)

"Min mage gör ont så illa, jag tror im kommer ner med influensa" I reply, grabbing my stomach as if it was in great pain. ( Oh, I dont feel good, I think im coming down with the flu)

My grandmother nods and I head up to my room. The fact is I feel fine, I just hate socialization.

When I enter my room I put the bras Kotler gave me away and I put the last 2 books of the Divergent series on the coffee table in front of the couch. My room is like a mini house, Even has a bathroom. 

I take the first book entitled: Divergent, and lay in my bed, ready to read a good book.


I finish reading the book and I look at the clock "Oh lord" I whisper. It's 4:00 pm. It took me 8 hours to finish the 400 or more page book. Damn, I'm slow.

I decide to check my phone for the first time today and I see I have about a million texts saying "Merry Christmas". Some of them i don't even know who they are. I reply to all of them wishing them a merry Christmas and save the best for last; Chandler.

I feel the burning sensation to start insurgent, but before I pick up the book my phone starts ringing.

"Hello, Chandler" I laugh.

"Hey, Lydia. Merry Christmas" He says his words with a seductive tone.

"Merry Christmas" I say, sitting on my couch.

"Are you busy tonight? Because my parents are going to the cottage tonight and will be there for a couple days..."

"Yeah, I uh, I have this thing" I lie. I do desperately want to see Chandler, but i need to read insurgent. One does not simply stop reading after one book. The questions about Tris and Four are eating away at me.

"You're lying" He says in a sing-song voice.

"No! I have a.. thing. Like with a fromage" Really a fromage? Really Lydia?  

"Okay so you have a thing with french cheese?" He questions as if im an idiot.

"Ugh I'll be right over" I moan, rolling my eyes.

"Mhm" He says as in a 'that's what I thought' tone.

Wait.. I need to get him a girft...


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