Chapter 15

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(Lydia's POV)

When I walk out of the house, I see tens of people with cameras "Lydia, why did you fight Amelia?"

"Lydia, what's it like dating someone famous"

"Lydia the fans would like to know if you and Chandler are serious"

"Why are you mad? Did you and Chandler have a fight?" 

Tons of questions are being repeatedly asked by people with cameras and micro phones.

"I uh-" I start, But Chandler interrupts me from behind.

"Lydia you forgot something!" Chandler yells.

I turn around, giving him a confused look, I'm pretty sure i have everything.

He runs up to me and touches his lips to mine, touching the end of my chin to stable my head. The paparazzi go crazy, snapping photos and yelling. I just cant stay mad at him.

"Chandler, are you and Lydia now dating?" a woman with red hair, and plasted-on smile asks, shoving a camera in our face.

Chandler ignores them and takes my hand. We walk into his car and her orders the chauffeur to Nova's house. 


"What do you have planned for today?" Chandler asks, sitting on my bed and checking his phone.

"The usual; Nothing" I reply, shoving a different pair of tights on, the same style as before; All black tights.

It's weird, really. You'd think getting dressed infront of Chandler would be awkward, and just.. Weird. But he's just so casual about everything, it makes me feel comfortable. And it's not like he stares at me and makes these revolting dirty jokes all the time. Like i said before, he's on his phone doing whatever.

"Well then what do you want to do?" 

"Hmm" I say, pulling my top off and rummaging for another one "Shopping"

"What are you going to get?"

I pull on a 'Sons Of Anarchy' shirt, and tuck it into my tights, perfectly. "No one actually plans what they're going to buy" I laugh, trying to put socks on while standing. "Girls are way to distracted while shopping to stick to a specific plan or schedule- Ah!" I yelp at the last part of my sentence because I fall on my ass.

"And that's why you sit down while putting socks on" He laughs "Especially when you're a blond" He winks at me.

"You ass!" I yell, getting off the floor and jumping on him, pushing his phone away from reach. I lean my face into his and our lips meet, in a playful manner, we fight for the lead. 

"Iiiiih!" I yelp when he throws me on my back and pins my arms behind my head, kissing my neck. 

I start laughing, enjoying our time together "You're too strong!"

He unpins my arms, get off of me and pulls me off the bed, wrapping his arms around the bottom of my back "You know it" he whispers in my ear and I giggle. 

I lean my head on his chest and close my eyes. He sways back and forth and kisses my head. "Get ready" He says "Girls take way too long" 

"Oh shut up" I growl, smirking and run into my bathroom. 

I find my last sock bun and roll it into my hair, placing the bun exactly in the back of my head. I decide to just add some foundation and mascara- and of course- lip balm.

"CHANDLER" I scream.

"WHAT?" He yells back, rushing into the bathroom.

"I'm feeling Starbucks" I say calmly.

He rolls his eyes "I thought you were dying or something" 

"I am! I haven't had Starbucks in FOREVER" I say, exaggerating.

I am a true stereotypical white girl, I'm not a snob about it, but some things just come to me... And Starbucks, uggs, tights and my iPhone is some of those things.

It's funny, actually, I use to be such a tomboy when I was younger. I even promised myself i would never turn into the true white girl I am today.

He stares at me for a second and runs his fingers down my spine "Lydia, you have to eat"

I sigh, realizing it's a little more obvious than I thought. "I am"

"No, no you're not. And don't lie about it" He says, tracing his fingers over the back of my neck, where my bones stick out the most. 

I add toothpaste on my tooth brush and look at my reflection in the mirror "Don't worry about it" I whisper, shoving my tooth brush in my mouth.

"Don't do this" He says shaking his head "You know I have to worry about it, no one else will"

"Pff. No shit"

"AND I want to, you know that"

I don't answer, I just continue to brush my teeth.

"McDonalds it is" He smiles.

I shake my head "Chandler at LEAST take me to sushi" Sushi isn't actually that bad for you, unlike McDonald's.

He shakes his head "Nope, sorry" He shrugs.

I love how he cares, but some things I need to have control over too. He's like my father, making all my decisions for me... I guess I need someone to do that... Since my father was never really good at it. 

I cant, I can't put something that greasy and bad into my body! It'll all just store into body fat and ruin everything i've ever worked for! Is he fucking crazy? There's no way im just throwing this all away!

"Chandler, I'm fine, I'm eating, I'm fine" I smile at his reflection in the mirror.

"No you're not fine. I've seen your tumblr, Lydia. Don't lie, especially right to my face"

Shit. Fuck. Damn it. How'd he find my Tumblr?

I suck in a breath.

"Look just stop" i say throwing my tooth brush on the ground and rinse my mouth.

"You think I'm just going to watch you destroy yourself?"

"No, you're watching me perfect myself"

"You're already so thin! Why would you even want to loose more-"

"Because! Because I like the pain and I like the little people inside my stomach who applaud everytime I skip a meal. I like being thin and I like being small" Tears well up in my eyes "I just want to be perfect"

Chandler gives me this boyish smile "You already are" He runs the back of his pointer finger up my cheeks, collecting the tears.

"No i'm not, im a broken person from a broken home and I cant-" 

"Shhh" He says and pulls me close into him.

As I rest my head on his chest, he runs his fingers through my bun, undoing it. "We're fine" He whispers "You're fine" His embrace is now tighter "We're all fine"


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