Chapter 11

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(Lydia's POV) 

Past few days have been pretty calm, haven't really seen Chandler much though, I have no idea why. Maybe he got sick of me? I know I would. 

Either way, me and Sam are getting seriously close, it's kinda scary, really. We're closer than me and Aubree. He knows all about.. The truth. About my father, Kotler and Nova. About my mother dying and yadiyadadadadadada the rest of my series of unfortunate events. He's actually surprisingly chill about it. But there are.. These moments, where i just want him to treat me as Chandler treats me. Like as if we were dating, then i remind myself that I'm dating someone and that would be considered cheating. 

It's weird, Me and Chandler pass smiles along the hallways as i walk with Sam but- Wait. I'm ALWAYS with Sam. Maybe he's jealous? Or he thinks that I'm dating Sam.. Maybe Maybe Maybe. Well, when he's ready to talk ill be here. No, fuck that, I'm not playing 'guess what mood I'm in' with him, i'm going to talk to him. 

Friday; The last day before Christmas break. "Hey" I smile at Aubree as I walk down the hall towards homeroom with her.

"You have nerve" Aubree laughs.


"Cheating on Chandler.. Right in front of him!" Aubree's having way to much internal joy over this. "That's boss"

"I-I'm not cheating.. What? Like with who?"

"The weird tranny, Sam" 

"Aubree!" I yell slapping her thigh "He's a person, treat him like one"

"She" Aubree corrects me.

"HE" I yell back taking a seat beside in homeroom.

"SOonow you're some lesbian?" 

I roll my eyes "We're not dating.. Besides, he's a weird tranny and.. I'm straight" Why why why why why did I just say that? I felt so bad saying that.. 

"Thank god you finally understand! Ok, well people think you two are dating, so i should probably clear that up?" She asks.

I take a deep breath "Yeah" I sigh.

Aubree whips out her phone and starts to 'clear' shit up.

I'm literally such an idiot. Sam is like my closest friend and here I am being all homophobic when the truth is i don't care if someone is gay, lesbian or whatever, we're all human... the things I do for a 'reputation'. I don't even know what I'm doing.. I just want Chandler back.

Sam walks in the room, when Aubree and a couple of our other friends start yelling weird shit like "Tranny" and stuff at him. I just lean back in my chair and pretend not to hear it.

Sam gave me a disappointed smile while shaking his head and resumed to his seat. Well, if that didn't kill me i don't know what will.

Chandler walks in with his friends and we and start talking and laughing like we always do in homeroom. I'm not intimidated by them anymore though, i guess I'm used to them. I laugh me and play along the the crowd.

"You guys dating or what?" Damien shouts "Because if not I will" 

Chandler grabs my hand "Mine" He yells playfully and everyone starts laughing again.

At Sacred Bell High, on the last day of school before Christmas break, we stay in homeroom all day doing 'activities'.

The bell rings and Mr. Wadson motions for us to quiet down, so we do. 

"Alright kiddies" He announces. 

"Bitch, we're 14" I whisper and a couple people who heard it- including Chandler and Aubree- start giggling.

"As I was saying" Mr. Wadson pipes up again "We will start with History.. Something like jeopardy, but not quite" 

We got sorted into teams 5 teams of 5. 

My team was Aubree, Me, Sam, Chandler and Damien.. Oh joy. 

Everyone knows the smartest kid in class is Bridgette. She literally always wins at these but.. This year i'm going to try, last year I never rung the buzer, but it's a new year right?

Mr. Wadson gave us these bells that are to be our buzzers. 

"Alright, Let's get started shall we- Oh, and this will include grade 7 and grade 8 history, so you should know this"

I grab the bell/buzzer waiting for the first question.

"What year did Columbus sail the ocean blue?"

"1692" Bridgette yells confidently.

"Ouf. I'm sorry, that's incorrect!"

"1492?" I say.

"Correct Kapousky!"

My team gives a small round of applause.

"What was Alois Hitler's original last name?"

'Wait, what?" Everyone was really confused.

Mr Wadson took another close look at his cards "Oh sorry, this is grade 9-10 history.. But i'll make it a bonus question! Who ever gets the right answer will get double their original points" 

No one answered. I rung my bell and everyone- I mean everyone- was surprised.

"Schicklgruber" I said a little nervous. 

"Correct!" Mr. Wadson yelled and doubled our points from 5 to 10.

"That's not fair! We didn't even learn that!" Bridgette screamed.

"Oh shut up you Schicklgruber" I mumbled. And the class broke out in laughter.

"Kapousky" Mr. Wadson smiles "Since you have a fowl mouth, let me make an opposition for you.  Ill ask you a grade 9, 10 or 11 history question, if you answer incorrectly you lose all your points, but if you answer correctly i'll double your points again" 

"Ohhhhhhh" The class scowls.

I give Mr. Wadson a challenging smile "Alright"

"Since you're in to the Schickgrubers, what about a Hitler question?"

"Fine by me" I am so nervous.. I'm shacking the table I'm sitting on right now.

"Okay. Where was Adolf Hitler born?"

"Austria, Hungary" I say, confidently. " On April 20, 1889, at Braunau am Inn"  

"OHH SHIT" The class goes crazy.

Mr.Wadson gives me a smile "Triple points for team Kapousky" 

"BUT YOU SAID DOUBLE!" Bridgette screamed.

The rest of the day goes on like this until it's finally time to go home.

"Christmas tomorrow!" Aubree squeals and Chandler smiles.

"Only Sacred Bell has school on Christmas eve, we're definitely losers" I say and grab my bag from my locker. 

"Well I have to go for family caroling, so damn embarrassing! See you later" Aubree rolls her eyes and kisses me on the cheek.

"You going to be okay tonight?" Chandler asks. He knows I hate to be at Nova's alone.

"Yeah, go see your family! I'll see you tomorrow or something" 

"Of course" He hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek before leaving.

I drop my bag beside Nova's boots and i take off my uggs. I stumble into the living room "Hey nova I can't find my fucki-" I trail off regretting i said a swear word "Hey grandma.. and grampa. No one told me you were coming.." I pause and whisper to Nova beside me "Why didn't i know they were coming?"

"I didn't even know" Nova whispers back.

Worst part is, they arn't even my mother's parents.. They're my fathers...


Thank you so much for reading! :* Don't forget to VOTE, FOLLOW and COMMENT! <33 Pt.2 coming on the 26th is that okay? I could try to post it on the 25th... but it'll be a challenge.

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