Entry Four: 11/15/16

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Ahaha heyyy long time no see!

(Fun fact: long time no see originated from a Chinese saying. It was translated literally, like word for word, from 好久不见.)

Okay sorry I had to.

Today I'm essentially just writing some updates about stuff that I thought you guys, as readers, might want to know.

So here we go. Number one.

1. As I've mentioned before on my profile, I'm currently doing the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) challenge for the entirety of November. I'm doing pretty good and am above the average word-wise, but I'm probably going to be focusing more on that for a little while because I really need to get the story back on the plot line...

2. Completely contradicting what I just said, I'm currently writing a new story! It's a short story, only two chapters (but maybe more depending on how much extra fluff I put in), and I'm currently penning it out right now and oh my god I'm not even going to lie about those hand cramps...

Sorry. Getting off topic.
Anyways, so I'm going to finish writing that by hand and then I'm going to edit it digitally and then I might publish it on Wattpad. For the sake of more readers, I might turn it into an EXO or BTS fanfic, but I don't know. Tell me what you think.

3. So some of you might've noticed my new story <<Tutor II Xiumin>>. I like the idea but I'm going to revert it back to a draft for a while just to fix some things. There's going to be a bit of a plot change even though I've only written two chapters, but yeah. So don't freak when you don't see it anymore IT'S COMING BACK I LIKE THIS STORY IDEA AS MUCH AS MOST (SOME) OF YOU DO.

4. Dogs are cute. (That was random but it's true.)

5. Adding onto number three, I've really been into kpop recently! I've been reading some fanfics/imagines/scenarios/whatever-you-want-to-call-it and I'm getting inspirations already. So expect a massive load later on. Mostly listening to EXO, BTS, Apink and BigBang (with a mix of other songs), so my kpop knowledge basically only extends to that limit. What I'm saying is: don't expect me to know all the members of - heck I don't know - GOT7. I'm the kind of person that sticks to a certain thing for a very long time and rarely moves onto anything else unless something weird happens. So. Yeah. Just - just be considerate.

That's it, I guess. Sorry if you felt reading this was a waste of your time, but I warned you in the synopsis that this is just a book containing a bunch of 'random shiz going on in my mind'.

Signing off,


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