Entry 19: 07/03/17

30 6 13

I was just scrolling through my tumblr feed and then I see this. thought it was kind of interesting because of my story... let me know if you think that these powers would suit the characters more, or the ones that I have set in my story (or if you're impartial like that's totally chill too)!

•his power is speed
•have you seen those thighs?
•yea, he's very fast but I mean this in the nicest way possible
•he's not the sharpest tool in the shed
•while he is the leader of the superhero in training
•he didn't get there because of his brain, he got there because of how loyal he is
•he's run back on their first mission to get seungkwan who was trapped under a broken bridge

•His power is mind control
•he can legitimately get people to do whatever he wants
•when people heard about his power they thought he would be a villain
•but nope he prefers using guns to using his power
•he only likes to use it to mess with the other trainees
•like he will have hoshi go to the kitchen to get him a glass of water
•he's very in control of his power though, so he's the second in charge

•his power is hypnotism
•he and jeonghan almost have the same power but his is more complex
•his power puts people in an unconscious state, so they don't remember
•unlike jeonghan's where they are awake, and know what they're doing
•once he had hypnotized someone, he can do it again anywhere
•so his power is better for civilians and smaller jobs, while jeonghan versus the villains

•he has the power to fly, a classic power
•he can also go hand to hand combat
•he wasn't born with this power actually, it developed when he was ten
•so he's trained for a smaller amount of time compared to people his age
•which makes it more amazing, since he is in the top ten
•he's closest to wonwoo, mingyu and minghao

•he has X-Ray vision
•meaning that he can look through walls and stuff
•he can look at people's insides to help mingyu heal them
•like one time Vernon broke his rib, and soonyoung just told mingyu which one to heal
•soonyoung like to remind everyone that even though that have powers, they're still teens
•he achieves reminding them by pranking them all
•you'd think that they would realize that they couldn't get him back with the same pranks
•(he can see wonwoo when he's invisible, if he uses his own power but shhhh)

•he has the power of invisibility
•which makes everyone laugh because he's already so quiet
•his power means that soonyoung tries to make him an accomplice for pranks
•he tries to avoid him, but somehow soonyoung finds him
•he suspects that soonyoung can see him, even though the blonde boy denies it
•he likes reading so you can very often see a book floating around
•mingyu often tags along with him or minghao on missions
•wonwoo can fight but he prefers using stun guns or other non harming weapons

•he has telepathy
•he can communicate with everyone through his mind
•if he he really wanted to, he could connect everyone's mind so they can hear each mother
•he doesn't usually go on missions, choosing to stay at headquarters to give information to them
•he's like the third in charge, everyone respects him since he's gotten them out out of sticky situations while eating cereal
•he's gotten kidnapped before and managed to outsmart the villains, and texted his location to seungcheol

•he can talk to animals!
•his favorite animal to talk to is dogs
•dolphins scare him, and he won't explain why to anybody
•he has most definitely helped soonyoung prank people by using his power
•like he just someimes puts flamingos in the bathroom
•crocodiles in the training room
•elephants outside, really anywhere you go, expect some type of animal there
•For missions, he uses the animals as his eyes, so crows flying around
•he won't have them fight for him unless the others need help
•he cares for these animals like they're family
•he has a pet owl named hedwig who likes to make fun of him

•mingyu has the power of healing
•it's very fitting since he hates hurting people
•he often tags along with minghao or wonwoo since both of them are a little hot headed and get hurt in the process
•he is clumsy himself so it's a good power to have
•the seungcheol and jeonghan are helping him in hand to hand combat
•(he hates that and weapons)
•while jun is helping home with weapons, just in case
•he like to go with the younger teens on missions since they are pretty reckless on their own

•He can walk through solid objects
•walls, force fields are no match for him
•he's like a ghost, a ghost with a temper
•you can bet that he messes with soonyoung by putting dye in his shampoo
•or walking through the walls and cutting in line for the bathroom
•whatever he holds when he goes through walls, can go but there's a chance they'll get stuck
•(they found that out when he tried to fly Jun through the bathroom door)
•he likes to go on missions but he has a bad temper, making himself in danger
•so his partner is mingyu, who they thankfully get along well enough
•even though mingyu once threatened that he would heal minghao's leg in a weird way so he couldn't bend it

•he can see the future
•premonitions usually come it his dreams but they can happen when he's awake
•he dislikes seeing them, since they usually are bad premonitions
•they are like nightmares for him, since they are training to become superheros
•he has seen the trainees die multiple times in his dreams
•he is connected to jihoon so he can tell the older about the future immediately
•he gets nervous when his power happens, he has no control over when it happens
•when he gets nightmares, either jeonghan or Joshua are the ones who calm him down

•He can make force fields
•Multiple ones, or big ones to cover the entire city
•instead of fighting villains, he protects citizens by protecting the city
•he and seungkwan are usually a team, since one sees the future and the other can protect
•seungkwan once got a vision when they were in the middle of a mission, that's he got stuck under the bridge
•Vernon told seungcheol what happened and blames himself for not protecting the younger
•he uses his power pretty frequently
•he uses it at the dorm, and protects himself against the prank that the others play
•and will put tiny force fields, around his stuff so no one can touch it

•he can copy other powers
•once he copies a power he has it for three or four hours
•the rarer the powers is, the shorter amount of time he has since it burns him out of energy
•his power is rare, so even though he's the youngest in training he's one of the ones who could be a superhero
•he is close to jeonghan since the elder likes to baby him
•he admires jihoon since the green haired boy makes sure they're all safe, and is still so strong

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