tagged twice !!

47 10 49

have i ever said that i love twice a lot


1. you have to post the rules

2. you have to tag 13 people

3. those 13 have to answer 13 questions

4. you must come up with 13 questions

5. you can't skip tags

6. tag backs are allowed

7. if you don't do tags you have to do what i say

8. be creative with the title

9. you must do the tag in a book, not in the comments

aNYWHO i was tagged in the same tag by two people: @-SOFTSANA (it wont let me tag you??? idk why bUT TY FOR THE QUESTIONS AND IM SO SORRY THIS IS LIKE A MONTH LATE LMAO) and peppermism (new friend that deserves wAY MORE THAN 50 FOLLOWERS IF YALL ARE INTO BANGTANVELVET GO FOLLOW HER N OW)


from -SOFTSANA (oh now it tags tHANKS WATTPAD)

1. have you ever fought someone?

uh i mean,,, yes?? not recently though it's just my younger self that was kind of bitchy and stupid oop (also if i ever offend any of you, pls know that its rARELy on purpose i always sound kinda passive-aggressive online)

2. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

yO OK AUSTRALIA KOREA AND DUBAI ARE MY GO-TO LIST BC DAMN SCENERY (also im pretty sure we're all pretty invested in korean culture at this point so whY not man lMAO)

3. if you could choose between saving yourself or saving your best friend, who would you save?

my best friend?? ngl im probably the reason why i have to choose rip thEY DID NOTHING WRONG

4. dogs or cats


5. whats the last thing you told your crush (or friend if you aren't crushing)?

"have a good break!"

6. what colour is your hair and is it natural?

my hair's black lMAO ive never dyed it or anything so id say its pretty natural

7. if you could change your name what would you change it to?

idk man im pretty content w my name

8. you have three wishes. what do you wish for?

1: to meet all my internet friends !! (and all your beautiful faces iLY ALL)

2: to be able to publish multiple books? it doesnt really matter if they're successful i just want the satisfaction of being able to hold a book thats mi n e

3: uh idk for everyone to be healthy i guess bc happiness :')

9. you have to give up chicken or fish, which one?

fish?? idk i eat chicken on a more regular basis so

10. what's the spiciest food you remember eating?

im saying this a lot but IDK MAN my spice tolerance has changed so i guess the taco that i swallowed weirdly that my ten year old self couldnt handle

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