idk what this is oops

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here's some advice that no one asked for: never go to an amusement park alone because it's boring as fuck

another fact: our city doesn't actually have a fixed amusement park and the one that I went to was like a five day event

so how was your day?

okok what I really wanted to ask was for the midnight diner readers - how do you feel about me turning the midnight diner into a one shot series?

basically you guys could request one shots with a) a food name, b) a ship (out of jihan, junhao, soonhoon, meanie, verkwan and mayBE seokju if I'm feeling generous) and c) a plot description that can be anything from super specific (which is obviously the preference) or a one-word prompt

idk I just feel like that's more what I want to go for at the terrible stage it's at lmao

i have no idea why I posted that here and not there rip I will later

aight I think that's it?? okay bye friendos

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