creativity is overrated

41 10 29

1. you have to post the rules
2. you have to tag 13 people
3. those 13 have to answer 13 questions
4. you must come up with 13 questions
5. you can't skip tags
6. tag backs are allowed
7. I'd you don't do tags you have to do what I say
8. be creative with the title
9. you must do the tag in a book, not in the comments

and the questions hosaki gave me are...

1. which seventeen member has the birthday closest to yours?
(I had to look this up im sorry I doNT KNOW THEIR BIRTHDAYS YET OKAY) uhhhh... Mingyu, I think, since he's April 6.
2. what was the mv that got you into kpop (or band, if you don't remember)?
apink's luv!
3. would you rather say everything that comes to your mind automatically, or never speak again?
never speak again. as someone who finds inspiration in the weirdest things, trying to explain the things that come to mind would be considerably difficult. plus less speaking equals less human interaction, so.
4. what's the weirdest thing you've ever written?
um... I've never written any crack fics if that's what you're wondering...?
although a lot of my earlier works are really cringy. like, I was in grade one back then, okay?
5. dogs or cats?
6. if you were a superhero what would your power be?
I like to think that I would be fitting for telekinesis but honestly my power would probably just be telepathy lolol
7. tell me your best pickup line !!
okay I'm stealing this one off the Hamilton soundtrack:
"Justice, you disgust me"
"ah, so you've discussed me? I'm a trust fund baby you can trust me"
(please trust me in the fact that I will never say this out loud to anyone okay)
8. describe yourself with a colour (and explain why)
probably purple? it's a more "mysterious" colour, and it can be like a velvety purple or a light pastel purple, reflecting my strange mood changes. also my penname has relation and I just have a lot of purple in my wardrobe tbh
9. would you rather go to one concert and sit in the front row or go to ten concerts and sit at the very back?
mmmmmmmmm probably go to one concert and sit at the front. my choices are lead by the financial limitations. (and the fact that I get airsick really easily. literally no one will ever come to my city)
10. what's your ideal type?
just someone who enjoys being with me I guess and accepts me as a whole? idk really just buy me a seventeen album and I'll probably marry you
11. is mayonnaise an instrument?
let the mayonnaise bE WHAT IT WANTS TO BE GODDAMMIT
12. why is the sky blue?
I've heard some things saying how because the air scatters quickly it appears blue because blue is on the lower part of the spectrum???? I don't really know rip
13. whAt tImE iS iT?
tEn HoUr TeN mInUtE

1. describe yourself in a haiku or three sentences.
2. would you rather fly across the world to see your bias group at a concert ($$$) or see a different group that you kind of listen to at your city?
3. milk chocolate or dark chocolate?
4. explain why you chose the title of your chapter
5. how long have you been on Wattpad? list your top three milestones.
6. Mario or Luigi?
7. have you slipped or tripped, fell and broke both ankles into the diamond life?
8. what is the most expensive thing you own?
9. describe the world your most recent au is set in.
10. what is the least productive thing you've accomplished in the past 24 hours?
11. have you ever had really dark thoughts about yourself (if you don't feel comfortable talking about them in public that's okay too)?
12. how much do you miss ot12?
13. please go look up pictures of shih tzu bichon crossbreeds and feel jealous of the fact that I have tWO. HA.

okay. and tagging.... (oml I only tagged 9 people rip)
XxDahyun-MisoxX -DaeguGirl freshkookies DIMPLEHEON ifallupthestairs lattemin- jonghyunclub c81-92 hosaki

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