Chapter 21

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Hey guys. I am so happy to be writing again. I would keep trying to think about what my next chapter should be about. Thanks so much you guys for being so patient with me. 


Kyra's PoV

I smiled at him.

"You have nothing to worry about." I said enthusiastically.

"You are not going to hurt her? Are you?" Adven asked.

"I thought you didn't care." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Just get it done." My father said to Adven. He nodded and left me alone with my father. 

"Father, do you need my help?" I asked hopefully. I know I was old enough to be on my own, but I loved my father. My family has a really...depressing past. I had a brother and a sister, but my sister ran away so they said. According to the police, my brother had killed himself. My mom died while trying to give birth to twins. The doctors tried to save them, but they died right after they came into this world.

Their names were Vivian and Vincent. My dad was broken after their deaths. He immediately turned to something else. I could see that and the rest of the world could see that, but I refused to let him down.

 I have always wanted to please him, but it was hard. He would either criticize me or just flat out reject me. My father was always interested in dark magic. Dark magic was rarely used by anyone...well all magic was rarely used by anyone. He grew power hungry, but that didn't stop me from wanting to please him.

"Don't. Call. Me. Father!" He said dangerously. I looked down in embarrassment.

"I need Irina to somehow get hurt. She needs to be vulnerable and unable to care for herself." He said as he looked at the red sphere. I don't know exactly what it was called, he would never tell me. I just called it the red sphere. It was filled with a certain blood that will force a dragon to want more blood. My father wanted the world to relive that day two cities were wiped out.

I begged him to rethink it, but I just got whipped in return.

"I think I can handle that." I say nervously

"There is no I think in this situation, it must be done!" He roared. I sighed and nodded.

I left with my head hung low. I don't know why I don't just leave him be and this place. Every time I give this place another chance, I go feeling worse than ever. I am old enough to make my own decisions, father is....ugh I don't know. 

The travel wasn't too long. I was in the castle taking orders from the king.

"I need this room completely polished."

"Yes my king." I answered.

"I also want the new servant to move to the guest rooms." He said demadingly. I looked up in atonishment. Why would he decide that?

"I don't them to be servants, but guest in my palace." He smiled.

"Sir if I may?" 

"Yes Kyra?"

"I don't think that is necessary...." I said, but the king interrupted me.

"I understand why you would think that, but I have my intentions that shouldn't be questioned." He was with an alarming tone.

"Yes your majesty." I simply said which made him happy. I couldn't wait till his kingdom was being destroyed. I would stand there and watch Veren burn this kingdom down with a smile plastered to my face. I smiled to myself just thinking about it.

I wasn't always like this. I would flinch when I heard someone scream because they were dying. I used to always burst into tears when someone died right in front of me, but Veren changed that. Constantly hurting me physically and emotionally, I would just continue to love him and hope for the best. I continued to be there for him, but because of that my parents hated me.

They didn't value my life anymore. I stopped being around him, but every time they look at me, I don't see love. 

I would always try to mend that relationship with my parent, but in the process I was labeled a psychopath, but like I cared. 

"Hey Kyra do you need help?" I was snapped out of my thoughts. I turned my head to see Irina smiling brightly.

"Yes that would be nice." I said. I tried to make it sound like I was relieved to have her help.

"Okay." she answered and started polishing the floor. 

This is the perfect time to hurt her. Wait...she could tell everyone and that would backfire. 

"Irina, you don't have to help if you don't want to." I stated. I honestly hoped she would say she wanted to leave.

"No it's fine I want to help." She said brightly. Ugh I rolled my eyes when I turned around. I thought about what I could do to make Irina vulnerable. Oh wait I think I know. I somehow have to make her have an accident by Veren. 

How do I do that? I thought angrily. Adven should have come here and talked to her. It doesn't look like she listened to a word he said well I don't blame her. I don't listen to him either, but my father likes him more than me.

Oh well, I will get rid of Irina and get my revenge on Veren.

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