Chapter 25

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Please excuse grammar mistakes. A lot of this was written on my phone.


I felt really messed up when I woke up.

"You took quite a hit didn't you?" I heard my friend chuckle. I grunted.

"WAIT! IRINA!" I shouted. I jerked my body up. I felt a huge gust of pain which made he cry out.

"Veren, she's in better condition that you, she's fine." He assured me. I laid back down.

"Ugh Veren you've opened your wounds." He said again. I didn't care right now. I was so happy that Irina was okay. After falling out of the sky, I assumed one of us would die and I didn't so my first guess was....don't even want to think about it.

I let myself be consumed with sleep.


"You slept for a long time Veren." I heard the king say.

"Yeah." I grunted.

"Hey look he talks." I heard him say with a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Go away." I muttered attempting to fall back to sleep.

"Don't you want to see Irina?" 

My head shot up and Revlon smirked.

"Is she okay?" I asked, ignoring Revlon's mocking smile.

"Yes actually, but she has been asking about you so you are going to need to transform." The king said sadly. I felt slightly annoyed. Why did I have to hide you I truly was? I knew people wouldn't accept, in fact most people, but I truly believe Irina would. 


I stood in front of his door going over what I was going to say in my head. I just couldn't get it right. I didn't want to sound like I had not idea what I was talking about and I didn't want to sound snobby. Everything that came to mind would probably make the conversation end disastrous. 

I took a deep breath and knocked nervously. 

"Yes who is it?" I heard Veren say in a groggy voice. My chest pounded as I opened my mouth.

"Irina, I-I need to talk to you." Oh great I stuttered, what now?

He opened the door with a small smile on his face. He actually didn't look so good.

"If it's the wrong time..." I said as my voice faded.

"No No, Now's a perfect time." He said opening the door all the way allowing me in.

I felt blood rush to my face and my chest pounded harder than ever. 

"So?" He said as he sat down. 

"W-well, I-I ." I stopped. I took a few deep breaths. I did my best to pretend he wasn't there at the time.

"Ummmm...." I started to panic. My mind went completely blank. What was I going to say again?! I was at the point of freaking out. 

"Irina?" He said with a knowing smile.

Come on, Get a grip Irina, I mentally scolded myself.

"There has been a few events that I need to ask you about." I said calmly. Wow, I'm impressed, I didn't think it would come out like that. I started to gain my confidence when he nodded.

I told him pretty much what I told the king. I don't know why I felt like I could trust him with my life, but I did. I also felt like he could give me the answers I am looking for. I also told him what the king told me.

After I was done talking, there was a moment of silence. The silence where you know there needs to be something said, but if something was said it felt it would destroy something.

"How long have you been experiencing this Irina." Veren asked. I could've sworn his voice faltered a bit.

"For awhile." I simply replied.

"And you never said anything." He said a bit angrily.

"Veren, I didn't come here to be scolded, I came here for answers. Now do you have them or not?" I said sharply. I was really shocked at the sudden burst of confidence.

"Okay Irina, what else would you like to know?" He said calmly.

"Well, this is a little off topic, but I didn't think the king would give me this one. How did that family cross paths with Salvador?" I asked. Veren sighed and rubbed his face.

"It happened with my.....I mean the mother of the dragon. The whole thing was messed up an it's quite a story." Veren said sadly.

"Can I hear that story?" I asked.

"Well, when she was about five years old she was playing in a meadow and that's where Salvador saw her first. He immediately saw her beauty and saw how she would look when she finally grew older. He wanted her to marry his son who was about seven years old. The first thing he did was go to her parents demanding that their daughter marry his son when she turned twenty-one." Veren paused.

"Her parents of course knew who Salvador was and refused, but Salvador swore to himself that she would marry his son. She got older and married a hunter. Salvador was furious so he killed her parents. She and her husband were basically running from him, till he caught, but at the time he caught her she was......pregnant." Veren sighed. I thought I could see a tear streaming down his face.

"He wanted her to suffer so instead of killing her or her husband, he would curse her child. He knew that would cause her the most pain. It physically hurt, but it hurt her emotionally and mentally more." He said. He stayed quiet, I figured he was done.

"She was determined to help her child and make it feel normal, but every time she saw her child, she was reminded of how painful it was to watch her child deal with something like that." He said quietly. I could tell he was trying to compose himself.

Without thinking I reached up and gave him a hug. It looked like he needed one, but I don't know how. I heard him sigh. I pulled back.

"Anything else." He stated.

"What happened to his son?" I asked. 

"His son died, but that left Salvador even more angry because he hated his daughter. He never truly cared about her mother. Her mother was just a pawn that he was using." Veren said angrily. 

Everything he just told me opened my mind even more.

"How do you know all of this stuff?" I asked. Veren looked at my eyes. Almost as if he was staring straight into my soul.

"Let's just say, I knew that mother." He said quietly. That moment, I could see Veren. The man that appeared emotionless and cold the first I saw him now looked broken. He looked like he was in need of something. I wanted to help him. 

"Veren..." I said quietly.

"Yes?" He answered. I looked directly at him, but just when I was going to tell him how I felt about him, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Veren shouted. He collected himself really fast.

A messenger appeared and was out of breath.

"Kingdom..... is .....under ATTACK!" He said between breaths.


I still feel really bad about making you guys wait and I just have to update because this book has so many reads and votes thanks guys! :)

Hope you enjoyed.




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