Chapter 1- In the begining

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X century Japan

Running. Running for her life and the life of her three new borns, with the help of her 6 year old boy. They ran from the people who wished to kill them, the people who thought them. dangeres, who thought them killers, who thought them demons. She ran knowing that soon she would have to stop, knowing she would have to find a place for her new born girls, Knowing she was ganna die for it was morning and she was week. Running, they came apon a well, a well known to the people as the well of two times for who ever went through the well should be sent to a different time. Coming apon that well the woman know exactly what to do she had to send her girls down that well, but only two if they stayed together it would be almost certen that they would be found because of there powers.

"There powers" she thought "I have to hide there powers."

That's when she casted a spell to hide there powers antil 16 winter full moons passed. Doing so she put a necklace on each one of her girls and put two of her girls in the well and opened the portal that would take them to the distant time. After that she looked at her son and said:

" My son you will keep an eye on each on of your sisters, you will be there protector, you will gid them through there lives and when the time comes you will tell them the truth about them and choose one to be queen of our people. Now you must go, with my last bit of power I will send you to a city where you will be welcomed."

" But mother" the boy said crying " what about you and papa? What will hapen to both of you?"

With tears in her eyes the mother said " sadly my son me and your father will not servive, but you must be strong and always remember the why of our sacrafaies."

Saying that she hug her son and sent him away.

Shortly after she sent away her boy she herd the people who wished the kill her in the distants, she grabbed her last girl and ran tortes a city near by, coming apon the city she saw a woman swiping the stares of a local shrine running up to the woman she said:

" Please take care of my baby, please."

The woman looked at her as she kiss her baby one last time, put the girl in her arms and fled.


Running back in to the woods, the woman had to lead the people away from her children, wail she ran she remembered her husband and how he had given his life the save his familiy, she remembered how they met, and how they got married how they had been crowned king and queen of there people. Sandenly she is cough by the people she had been running from as they start to tie her up she try's to fight but she is week. After they tie her up they put her on fire. She dose not scream nor yell her last seconds are spent remembering the past and wishing for her children's futer.


Japan 1992

On the other side of the well lived an old temple Gardean, his wife, his daughter and his son in law.

From the house window the woman daughter of the temple gardean herd a cry, no two cries the cries of babies coming from the old well. She called her husband, who was up stares, and said:

" I herd something coming from the camber where the well is, can you go see what it is for me?"

" ooh dearly" he replied " it's probably just the neighbors kids, but I'll go check just so you fell safe."

So they went down to the chamber to see what was going on, the more they got closer the more they herd cries coming from the chamber. The husband was the one who opened the door, he went in the wife right after him, they looked around to see where the noise was coming from, they saw that is came from in side the well.

" I will look inside and see what it is" said the husband.

" ok just be careful." Answered the wife.

When the husband looked inside he saw two new borns crying probably out of hunger or fight, probably both. He called his wife and they got ropes to get the new borns out of there. Afterwords they brought them into the house. When the father saw the new borns he asked:

"Where did both of you get those babies?"

"We found them, father." The daughter replied.

"Where?" Asked the father.

"In the well" answered the son in law.

"Then they are demondes, nothing comes out of the well if not a very powerful Demond." Said the father

"Shere cause now Demond where dippers and cry right, no a woman probably left them there so we could find them probably someone who knows about our problem."said the son in law.

"No they are daughter of Demond's and must be destroyed." Affirmed the father.

"No father please, I can't have children and you know that please let us stay with them, they look human, they must be human, I agrery with my husband someone probably left them for us to take care of them." Begged the daughter.

"I hope for your sake your right my daughter." Responded the father who then went up staires.

After the answer the daughter breathed and looked at her husband then to the baby in her arms and said:

"Your name will be Kagome."


Back in the XI century Japan

The woman who held the little girl in her arms as she waited for her husband to come back.

"My how you are lovely my sweet girl" the woman said look at the baby."I will call you Kikio and one day you will be the priestess."

At that moment her husband came home.

"My love look at what someone put in my arms." Said the woman.

"Who my love put that lovely looking baby in your arms?" Asked the husband.

"A woman, she came running up to me asked me to save her, then she but her in my arms and ran." Answered the woman.

"Could this woman have been a demon?" he asked.

"I don't think so, I think she was just a woman in trouble who feared for her child's life. I will kip my promise I will take care of her, the question is will you help me?"

"Yes I will help you my love I would follow you to the ends of the earth if needed."

"Then it's agreed. Her name is Kikio and she will be a priestess."


In a city far far away that's where the son the young boy of woman when the boys name was Eric he was only 6 but now had the responsibility of a adult. His mom had sent him to her brith town a town where everyone respected differences, where everyone would respect his differences. When he got there he was welcomed by his grandma just by that jester he started to love the town and it's people but he knew he had a promise to keep, he had to find his sisters take care of them, keep them out of harms way and one day choose a Queen; but that would been only here 16 years so he had time, right then and there the first order of business is to get settled down and accommodated.


{I don't own Inuyasha in any way, shape or form}

Next: Chapter 2 - Hiding the truth

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