Chapter 5 - The Adventure Begins

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Japan 2007

5 years had passed from that dreadful day and nor Kagome nor Souta had ever seen there sisters again. Kagome was now 15 and was a junior high student. Souta was now 11 and was still in grade school. Both where wonderful students and never gave there mother headache from school.

They hadn't told anyone about there family problems, no one needed to know not even there closest friends that was there problem, after that day Kagome made some house rules that everyone had to follow;

1. Her old room was never to be opened again until she was out of the house.

2. They where never to talk about there father in her presents.

3. They where never to talk about there 'old' family to anyone.

After she had said all the rules, she grabbed all the pictures that had Krin, Sora, Johnathan and granny Sira, put them in a box and locked the box is the drawer of her writing desk. That drawer was still locked til that day.

Anyway life continude 'normaly' like it should, until one day.


On that day Kagome had goten up and ready for a another school day like any other. I was sunny, but yet a cool day. Kagome was heading for school when her little brothe Souta came runing trodes her and said:

" Kagome I heard something coming from the well room."

" What are you talking about? There's nothing in there."

"I swearer I heard something."

"Ok, ok, I'll go look."

She went in the building that the well was in and looked around. After a small look she saw there cat walking up to them and mewing.

"I found the source of your noise." She said as she piked up the cat and turned to face her little brother.

"No, I swearer it was a loud noise, something really big."

"Ok then you can believe that all you want I have to go to school." She said as she put the cat down on the flor, just then something grabbed her from behind and pulled her in the well.


"Hay what's going on?" She said as she looked at what had pulled her in the well, as soon as she saw she couldn't believe her eyes it was a woman with the body of a sentaped.

"Give it to me." She said as she grabbed the girl tight with 2 of her 6 arms, liking her face.

"Give what to you?" She said as she tried to pull away.

"The sacred jewel, I know you have it I can feel it."

"I don't know what your taking about now get of." She said as got a hand free and tried to pushed herself free from her grip at that moment she started to shine, lady sentaped lost her grip (and a arm) and Kagome went flying away.


Kagome woke up at the bottom of the well.

'Maybe it was just a dream' she thought, but then looked at her side and saw a arm 'maybe not.' She thought and started to clime the well.

"Souta" she shouted but received no answer 'he must have gone running' she thought.

As soon as she got to the top of the well she realized that something was up.

'Where's the building that's should be here? Where's the house? Where's everything?' She thought as she looked around.

She stepped on the flor that was now grass and took a good look around. Then she saw the tree (the tree the lived in the center of her house) and went running tortes it, when she got there she saw that a boy was stuck on it, but a boy with dog ears.

'How is that possible' she thought as she got close to him, she just couldn't help herself so she touched them and yes they where very real. 'Well now that that's out of my system, let's find a way home.' She thought just then people started to get around and one said:

"What are you doing on this tree."

Before she had time to answer they grabbed her and tied her up and took her to the village. There she met the local priestess lady Kaiaday, who began to thou salt on her and say:

"Be gone Demon, be gone."

"I'm not a demon." She answered as she spit out the salt or whatever it was.

"Are ye not really a demon?"

"I'm not."

At that moment Kaiaday looked at Kagome directly in the eyes and thought 'Kikio'.


{I don't own Inuyasha in any way, shape or form}

Next: Chapter6 - Kikio the priestess

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