Chapter 9 - And 2 Become 6

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After the fight with Shesshomaru and that strange felling that Kagome couldn't explain, although she was convincing herself it was anger. They set of on there journey to recover the jewel shares.


One day they come along a little fox demon kid who's name was Shippo, he had little notion of his powers (he could only use easy little effective tricks), but enuf to save him, his parents where killed by the lighting brothers and he was left alone. When they meet he sealed Inuyasha to a rock and made Kagome get captured by the lighting brothers, in there hands she is almost killed but finds a way to get out of it using Inuyasha, after a fight Inuyasha saves Kagome and they are joined by Shippo in there adventer.



Miroku was a perverted priest that traveled from village to village looking for his next victim, first he would find a wealthy man or woman in need of spiritual help (that had to do with demons) after he got rid of there problem he would seduce the youngest woman in the house (that was older then 15 of course) using the same line always 'will you bare my childrend'. The woman excepted and well you can imagine what happened next, after that he would steal all that he could and leave as fast as he appeared.

One day while taking a relaxing bath he saw from a far Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo and thought hat they would be good victims and follow them, creating a distraction for Inuyasha and stealing Kagome along with her bike and things, he left Kagome not far away from where he got her (she insisted on being but down) and went to a near by village.

After all that confusion Inuyasha, Kagome and Shippo went as well to this village and Kagome immediately recognized he bike. Inuyasha went in and he and Miroku fought until Miroku used his 'wild tunnel' on Inuyasha. Kagome trying to save Inuyasha jumped in front of Inuyasha and Miroku immediately stop and Kagome fell on top of him.

After he woke up, stroking Kagome's butt (a thing he did to all women) he told them how the 'wild tunnel' had been passed on to him from his father, that had gotten it from his father, that had gotten it from Naraku. He also told them who Naraku was and what he had done to people to get power.

After that long talk Miroku joined there journey. Now they where not only looking for the jewel shards, they where hunting Naraku.



Sango was a demon slayer that lived in a village with her father, her brother Kohaku and her pet Kirara. Her brother was a demon slayer in training. He was very loved by his sister and father.

One day they got an invitation to slayer a demon that was terrifying a castle up west and excepted. To gain experience Koraku went along, it would be his first slaying, along with him went his sister, father and some other slayers.

When they got to the castle they fought the demon, but something happened and all of the slayers where killed, including Sango's father and brother. Sango tried to protect him and ended up almost dying herself. The castle workers believing all where dead berried all of them, but Sango came out of her toom.

After recovering form her wounds, The Lord of the castle made her believe that the one who had sent the demon that killed her family was Inuyasha, after hearing that she set out on a journey to find and kill Inuyasha. She was able to find him and even tried to kill him, but along side him was Kirara so she stopped her attack and listened to what they had to say.

She found out that The Lord of the castle was really Naraku, a powerful demon that wanted the sacred jewel shares, she also learned that after there best worriers where sent out to kill the demon in the castle the village was left unprotected and was attack, no one survived. After that talk she set out to find and kill Naraku, but found out that he had relived Koraku and made him fight agents her, she was unable to kill him, if it hadn't been for Inuyasha she would have died.

After the fight Naraku disappeared taking Koraku with him. After that Sango and Kirara joined Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo and Miroku on there journey to find and kill Naraku. Miroku made a move on her, but got a slap in return, they stared of on a really bad foot, but little did she know that he would become the love of her life.


Authors note: Sorry that this chapter has no talking, I just wanted to finish this chapter fast. If you wanna know more about this chapter, please see Inuyasha episodes 9, 16 and 24.

{I don't own Inuyasha.}

Next: Chapter 10 - Naraku.

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