Chapter 6 - Kikio, The Priestess

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Going back to Kikio the child who had been left in the feudal time.

Her 'parents' had had another child 5 years later and named her Kaiaday.

Kaiaday loved her sister and had always wished to become like her big sister.


Like the family that had kept Kagome and Krin, the family that kept Kikio hadn't told her that she wasn't there child and sense they lived far away from the village no one ever knew they where telling a lie, soon after Kikio turned 3 they moved to a house in the village close to the temple.

Time passed and to keep her promise the woman (who's name was Sakura) put the girl under the protection of the priestess of the temple. It was only when Kikio was 10, because the husband (who's name was Zero) kept say that she should be free to live the life of a normal kid run, play with other kids, hide, jump, ect; sense they always had to agree on things, it didn't take very long for Sakura to convince Zero that it had to be done and well you know the rest.

Kikio didn't remain alone all those years at the age of 5 she got a little sister named Kaiaday, it came as a shock to everyone when Sakura became pregnant for she and given up on having a child of there own when Kikio came into there lives. They had been trying to have a child for more that 20 years they where already out of hope and suddenly this miracle happens, they where very happy with the news.

Kikio loved her younger sister and took care of her all her life (until she was 10, when Kikio 'dies') was always with her even if she couldn't be she was. Growing up Kaiaday also started dreaming of one day also becoming a priestess, which made Sakura even more happy, but she didn't start right away at first she only followed Kikio on her tripes who later showed her how to shoot a bow and arrow. They had always been very connected, but something happened that made them become even closer... Death.


They where not young they where actually old (56 and 63) but they meant the world to there daughters and they would be very missed.

It was a normal day like any other Kikio had got to presets training and Kaiaday had gone along, Sakura was in the kitchen making lunch and Zero was resting in the living room. Out of no ware they heard a scream coming from the neighbors house Zero ran out to see what was going on.

"What happened!" Zero yelling running into the house.

"A Demond. A Demond come here and took my daughter." A woman came running to towards him Screaming. "Please help me Zero."

"Of corse, I'll go call the village men and we will go after the Demond." He said and left the house heading to the fields where the men where. "Come quick, a Demond as take a young girl from our lands we must retrieve her." He yelled at the me when he got there.

"Yes, let's go." A man said running towards Zero.

"Wait we need weapons to fight a Demond." Said another man

"Then we shall get them." Zero said looking at the man.

"I can get some." Said another man. "But it will take 3 hours."

"The girl might be dead by then." Zero said

"That is the fastest I can do I'm sorry." Said the 3 man with sadness in his eyes.

"That's ok, but go now." Said Zero looking at the mans sad face. "As for the rest of you take this time to say goodbye to your children, your wives, because you might not come back. Anyone who wishes too join us meet at the start of the village in 3 hours."

"Yes." All of them said and went home, Zero did the same.

Back at home Sakura waited for him at the doorstep.

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