Chapter 1 Dinky Do Meets Her Doom

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(Dinky Doo's POV )
I opened my eyes I saw Twilight she was wearing a nurse outfit Pinkie was was right beside her "W......where I'm I " I asked "Don't worry about that you're fine " Twilight said smiling "I'm scared " I said "Why you're saving lifes " Twilight said and handed Pinkie some tools "I think we need to start with her horn " Pinkie said "My ....horn why " I asked "It's ok it will be like you're becoming a earth pony " Twilight said "But .........but " I said but got stopped by Pinkie "Just do it Twi " she said "Ok here " Twilight said and handed her the tool then Twilight shot me with a shot "Ow " I said "That is my only pain you will be feeling today " Twilight said and Pinkie used the tool to cut my horn off "Put it in the bag " she said " Ok " Twilight said and she did "Are you  having a good day " Twilight asked I didn't answer I saw two doors in one Starlight was asleep in the other room Spike asleep then I turned back to Pinkie and Twilight I was so scared "I think were ready " Pinkie said Twilight nodded her head "Ready for what " I asked "I'm afraid we have to stop talking " Twilight said "What  no don't leave me " I said "I won't leave we just won't be able to talk " Twilight said "Let's start with her cutie mark hmmmmm just heard the CMC helped you earned it hmmmmm muffins makes sense since your mommy loves them oh well bye bye cutie mark " Pinkie said and cut it off I cried " And I just earned that today " I thought "You are going to feel a small drill in your stomach " Twilight said and Pinkie grabbed one of  the tools "No please I don't want to die " I cried "You won't die Dinky you'll just stop living " Twilight said and the surgery began and I black out but I could still hear Twilight's sweet voice " I'm here I'm still here I'm still here "

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