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When Annabeth was little, she made her friends check her lower back every day. They would read her the name that was written there with beautiful letters. She hoped, that the name would change. It never did. How could it, you can have only one soulmate. When she grew older, she started to become even more desperate. How on earth could she meet anyone named Perseus Jackson? Seriously?

It was one of those mornings, when Annabeth couldn't find anything. First her bag was missing and then she spent the next ten minutes looking for her knife. A small one, so no one would notice it even if she took it everywhere. Just in case.

She yelled a quick goodbye to her dad and stepmother before rushing outside. Her friend Kate was already waiting in her car just outside Annabeth's home and watched as Annabeth ran towards her one shoe still in her hand. Annabeth sat down to the front seat and Kate started the car. She handed her a sandwich. Annabeth smiled gratefully. Kate knew when Annabeth had no time to eat breakfast.

"You know the new boy at our school?" Kate asked while parking her car. "I heard he has been kicked out from all of the schools he has ever been in. Troubled kid or something." Annabeth shrugged. She knew, that it wasn't easy to everyone to be the perfect student.

With the side of her eye Annabeth saw the exact same boy they were talking about. He walked towards the school twirling a pen between his fingers. Annabeth got out of the car and watched as the boy walked inside. Kate grabbed her hand and started pulling her inside as well. She said they were late.

It was one of those days when nothing happened. After school Annabeth and Katie decided to go to the beach with some of their friends. It was -after all- one of the last warm days. They were sitting at the end of the dock. Katie laid on her back with one hand across her face, other hand on her stomach. Her head was on Nick's lap. Nick was Kate's soulmate, they had met two years before, and couldn't be happier. Annabeth sat her back against a wooden pole. Everyone else had already left. The sun was setting and it turned everything to a slight pink shade. Finally Kate and Nick decided to go home too. Annabeth said that she would walk home, it wasn't a long way after all. Kate and Nick left Annabeth to the dock waving happily. Annabeth sighed slightly and watched as people headed to home one by one. Her hand was once again on her back. She followed the letter even if she didn't feel them. She had watched them so many times, that she just knew where they were.

Finally she stood up. There were still few people on the beach. Some people from school. The new kid was there too, but it seemed like he didn't have anyone he was with. He walked from the waves and grabbed towel. He wasn't even far away from Annabeth and for a moment she thought that maybe she should talk to him. It must be difficult to come to a new school just like that.

She stretched her arms and yawned. It had been a long day, and she should get some sleep before tomorrow.  But before she could walk away, she stepped on her ankle and fell to the water. She had hit her head as she fell and now she was underwater. She felt dizzy and tried to swim to the surface, but the problem was that she wasn't so sure where it was. She cursed in Greek and started panicking. Then she felt hands grabbing her and felt a strong push. It felt like the water wanted to get Annabeth to the surface. As someone pushed her to the dock she was coughing salty water.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked concerned. Annabeth raised her eyes and saw a pair of sea green eyes staring at her.

"Yeah, I think so. Thank you so much, I don't know what happened." Annabeth smiled thankfully to the new guy who was hovering over her concerned. The boy nodded and pulled Annabeth up. Then he walked away and left Annabeth dripping water.

Soulmates? (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now