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They were sitting on the couch and had the final episode of season 4 playing. Annabeth sat next to Percy, her head on his shoulder. Percy was playing absent-mindedly with Annabeth's hair and he could feel she was smiling against his shoulder. He was so happy and it felt weird. There wasn't really any awkward silences between them, they felt comfortable around each other. Percy started to nod off first and Annabeth obviously noticed it immediately. 

"Oh sleepy head, you should go to bed", she chuckled as she sat up poking Percy's side. Percy squirmed a little but shook his head like a little kid.

"It's a school day tomorrow."

Percy frowned at thought of school and Annabeth laughed. He knew they had to go to bed. 

"Only if you come with me", he grinned like a maniac when he saw Annabeth blush a little. 

Annabeth sighed and nodded smirking. Percy did a little victory dance in the living room before disappearing into the bathroom. 

Percy had his arms around Annabeth's waist and he breathed in her amazing smell. She breathed steadily and Percy drifted off with the most amazing woman in his arms.

Percy woke up a few hours later finding Annabeth nowhere in sight. He sat up confused.


He could only hear the low humming of the refrigerator and the steady noise of traffic outside Annabeth's apartment. Percy stood up all her senses working overtime. When alert enough, he was able to hear and sense things normal mortal couldn't. He walked through the kitchen but sensed nothing. Percy started to get worried and opened the door to the stairway. 

"Annabeth?" He called again and stopped to listen. 

He could hear a sword slashing and some distant grunts. He found a spare key hanging next to the door, grabbed it and closed the door behind him. Then, as quietly and quickly as he could, he made his way down the stairs following the noise. He was afraid Annabeth was in trouble and didn't want to attract any more monsters or some curious neighbors.

He found a basement and several storage-looking doors. The noise was coming from the last door at the end of the long corridor. The door was obviously locked but that didn't stop Percy. He took a little tool out of his pocket, that his friend, Leo, had made him as a farewell gift. He snapped it on the lock and it did its magic and the door was open. 

Percy opened the door quietly and took a look inside. The room was lit with yellow halogen lamps and was quite big. In one corner there were several punching bags and on the other side of the room was a sparring mat. 

In the middle of the room was a lot of dummies. All different sizes and materials. Annabeth stood in the middle of at least 20 dummies and had her dagger in her hand. She was spinning around slashing the dummies. She had headphones on and her hair pulled on a ponytail, which was swishing around as Annabeth did some kind of karate kick and five of the dummies fell over. Annabeth proceeded to stab each one of the dummies at least five times before moving on to the next one. 

Her face was full of different emotions and she didn't notice Percy who was now sitting on the floor staring mesmerized as Annabeth fought the dummies with such a speed he couldn't turn his gaze away for even a second. 

When Annabeth had "killed" all the dummies, she stopped only to place the dummies again around her and then continued to fight. Percy was shocked by the anger he saw in her face. Sure, he knew she had had an extremely hard life, but she had been so sweet and calm and this person in front of him wasn't the same person. 

Soulmates? (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now