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He always got super nervous around girls. Especially now, when he was in a new school and had only a few friends. Well, no friends. All his friends were in New York and he wasn't particularly excited about human friends. It was just always very hard to combine two lives together so normally he would live only the demi-god life without the human part. Here he couldn't do that but he didn't want to get to know anyone. Something was always happening around him and he didn't want to get any innocent people involved.

As always when he was feeling not so great, he wanted to go for a run. He didn't like to run in the city, so he took his mom's car and drove a few miles away from the city. The park was on the other side of the Golden Gate bridge and Percy loved the drive. When he finally got to the park, he parked the car to the quieter area in the park. Then he took the first trail that led to the hills. The hiking route was beautiful and surprisingly calm. He followed the trail further and breathed kinda fresh air. At some parts, he could see the Golden Gate bridge but as he ran, the noise of traffic got quieter and the signs of other people disappeared.

He got to the part of the park where even the trail was kinda messy. No one used this part of the route and that was exactly why Percy came there. He stopped and enjoyed the quietness of the world for a second. For a second he didn't have to think about other people, for a second he didn't have to be careful. So he just stood there, eyes closed and breathing deep breaths. He felt almost like he was back in New York again. But the cold reality was that he wasn't. And he couldn't do anything about it, so he had to just accept the facts. 

He opened his eyes and became blinded by the sun for a few seconds. When his eyes finally got used to the light, he sighed.

"Aww guys, I had almost a good day, I really don't want to do this right now." In front of him were four harpies hissing and hovering around him.  They were coming towards Percy and they didn't look really friendly. "Great, now I really do have to break a sweat, as if I didn't already when I was running." 

The harpies didn't say anything. That was very uncommon, normally they would love to tell Percy, why they wanted him dead that time. Normally they wouldn't shut up and Percy's job would be done before he even would get started. But this time the harpies seemed very determined and they closed on Percy all around him. Percy took his pen out of his pocket and clicked it. He gripped Riptide as he attacked the first harpy. 

Four harpies were a lot of work especially when he felt the previous run already burning his muscles. The harpies were coming closer and Percy felt a sharp pain on his right shoulder. He swung his left arm and hit a harpy. It had its claws dug into his shoulder but Percy managed to shake it off of him. He felt the blood dripping to his shoes. He cursed in Greek. The shoes were brand new and white.

"You really did ruin my day you know", he muttered under his breath.

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