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Annabeth hopped out of her dad's car and waved as he drove away with her stepmother and stepbrothers. She turned around and just took a minute to look at the Golden Gate Bridge. The rest of her family wanted to have a weekend holiday but Annabeth couldn't go with them because she had too much schoolwork. So they left Annabeth to her favorite spot and gave her money to take a taxi when going home. 

Annabeth stretched and started jogging. This was the place Annabeth would come every time she could decide. It was actually quite far away from her home, but her dad wanted Annabeth to be happy, so he gave her a ride sometimes.

While Annabeth was running, she couldn't help but think about the new boy in her school. Suddenly she realized, that she didn't even know his name and felt embarrassed. The boy had always bolted away so fast she couldn't even ask his name. She decided, that next time she would see him, she wouldn't let him go away so easily.

As much as she loved to run she almost missed the feeling of fighting. Her brain needed more challenge than just math and running. But for some reason, she hadn't met any monsters for a very long time. It was almost like they all were too bored to attack her. 

While running she heard some weird noises coming from far away, and she froze. It was the sound of battle. She felt the adrenaline rushing through her veins as she pulled her dagger from a little case she had tied to her ankle and started a slow approach towards the sound. She heard someone panting and grunting and sometimes she heard a sword against something sharp. She could not see what was happening because she was behind a quite high hill. She sat down her back against the hill and prepared to fight if needed. First, she had to see what was happening. Then, suddenly, everything went quiet. Annabeth stopped breathing. She heard footsteps walking around and she could almost feel that someone panting slightly. She was so focused she was able to tell where the person was walking and how far away that person was. Annabeth knew she probably would have the benefit of a surprise but she couldn't count on it.

Then, when she was preparing to attack, the footsteps started to go away and she could hear the person running. Annabeth stood up and tried to see who the person was and where he/she went but the only thing she could see was a quite big puddle of blood and sneakers covered in blood. Annabeth assumed the person had run behind the hills and that was the reason she couldn't see anyone. 

She approached the scene carefully all her senses were overworking and she could even see a mouse running away from her. When nothing happened for a few minutes she decided that she had just missed a good fight and now she had to just run like normal people did.

It wasn't impossible that there would be other demigods in San Fransisco, after all, there was a camp full of them just outside of the city. But as far as she knew, there weren't any other demigods that were living a normal life. But it was an extremely big city so she couldn't be sure about anything and there were a lot of people who were just passing by. 

As Annabeth sat in a taxi enjoying the rare luxury she wondered if the person who got attacked was okay. Well, she wasn't sure the person wasn't the attacker. There was a lot of blood on the ground and she knew how fast a bloodloss could affect a person. She had tried to follow a possible route back to the parking lot but hadn't seen anything except for a little bit of blood here and there. 

Sorry for not posting an update, tbh I completely forgot about this story but now I'll try to update! Thank you for those who are still reading this I truly appreciate it!

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