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They sat on the floor of the training room, their backs against the wall. Annabeth leaned against Percy and he was breathing steadily, so Annabeth figured he would have fallen asleep. She started to stand up when she felt Percy's arm snake around her waist and pull her back.

"I'm not letting you sneak away again", he murmured and pressed a kiss against Annabeth's neck. 

Annabeth sighed and relaxed again next to Percy. "Yeah, clearly that is not something I can do anymore."

Percy lifted his head and opened his eyes. He looked at Annabeth with a confused face. "You do that often? Go to train in the middle of the night?"

Annabeth shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much every night I guess."

"When do you sleep then?" Percy seemed concerned and Annabeth cursed in her mind.

"Oh, I do sleep, after training or before", she said trying to sound convincing but saw Percy's expression was still the same.

"You really don't know how to lie", Percy sat up and turned so he was face to face to Annabeth, who was trying to look anywhere but Percy. "You can talk to me, you know that. I'm not going to force you but I really would like to hear what is going on in your head."

Annabeth turned her gaze and looked into Percy's extremely persuasive eyes. She took a deep breath.

"Ok, this won't be pretty, you sure you want to hear this?"

Percy nodded confused.

"There was this huge fight about a year ago, it was here, in San Fransisco. Armies of monsters attacked our camp and we had to defend it. There were 200 campers then. We won", Annabeth took a shaky breath and blinked a tear away before continuing. "But as always, every fight has its casualties. There is about 20 campers in San Fransisco at the moment, including me. I watched all my friends and siblings die, I couldn't save them all."

Percy took Annabeth's hands and squeezed tightly. "But that wasn't your fault that they are dead."

Annabeth laughed, how was it possible that Percy knew exactly what she was thinking? "I still blame myself. I was one of the people who made the battle strategies, maybe I could have done something."She shook her head. "So anyway, can't really sleep after that, nightmares like the one I saw the night you woke me up, they are haunting and mostly true. So I don't really sleep, I just train, so the next time I will be able to defend more people."

Annabeth stood up. "Okay, we still need to go to school so I'm going to take a shower."

Percy nodded and leaned against the wall. "I have your spare key I'll come after you, just give me a few minutes", Percy's eyes wandered to a target on the wall and all the different knives hanging next to it.

Annabeth chuckled. "Just try the knives, you have maybe an hour before we need to go, so make sure you take a shower before that." Annabeth pretended to smell Percy and nodded knowingly. 

Percy laughed and lifted his hands up in surrender. "I know, I know!"

Annabeth left Percy to the training room and headed back to her apartment. 

The next days went by rather quickly. There was the awkward talk she had to have with her dad about finding her soulmate and then proceeding to introduce Percy to her dad. Percy was almost scared when meeting Annabeth's dad and she promised that he wouldn't have to do anything that scary ever again. Annabeth found it rather funny that the same guy who badmouthed to the monsters as a hobby was scared of meeting a normal person. 

Meeting Percy's mom was such a lovely moment that Annabeth started to almost cry. Sally was definitely the most loving person Annabeth had ever met and she felt so welcomed right on the spot. 

Soulmates? (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now