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Percy's head was full of different things. He was obviously grateful that Annabeth had saved him but he was also very scared. He had a hard time trusting this girl with stormy eyes that seemed to see through his soul. Something about the way the girl moved made Percy really uncomfortable. It was almost like the girl was afraid of something more than just him.

Annabeth told Percy what had happened after he passed out. Percy felt embarrassed that he had been no use in the battle. He could barely look the girl in her eyes as she spoke and tried to come up with something to do with his hands. He sucked in interactions with girls.

Annabeth was now sitting a bit closer than before, it was almost like a normal distance between people, but still a bit more. She had her dagger on the table. It wasn't close to her but Percy knew she would be able to grab it in no time. He knew she was afraid of him, but he still felt like he was in danger.

When Annabeth stopped talking Percy was able to look at her. She was very pretty but that was not what Percy saw. He saw her stormy eyes wandering and her hands twisting on her lap. Her arms that were full of little scars and her cheek that had a little red cut from today. Her position that told Percy she was ready to attack if needed. She was a lot like Percy.

"So where do you come from?" Annabeth was talking again. "You haven't been in the camp."

"I did go to a camp. In Long Island", Percy said surprised. "There is another camp?"

Annabeth nodded. "Here in San Fransisco. I have been going there every summer for many years now. Or at least I used to go... I didn't know about a camp in Long Island", her voice faded out and she seemed like she was lost in thought.

"That's weird." Percy stood up and tried to take a few steps without falling again. He staggered and felt Annabeth's hand around his arm.

"Careful", she said as she tried to keep Percy up.

When he was standing steadily again, she let go of his arm and took a few steps back.

"So... Who is your mom or dad?" She asked referring to his godly parent.

"I'm a son of Poseidon." Percy turned to see Annabeth's reaction. Normally people had kinda big reactions when he told he was a son of the big three. Annabeth just nodded in her thoughts.

"And you are?"

"Oh, right. I'm a daughter of Athena."

Percy had always found Athena one of the most interesting goddesses there was but at the same time, he couldn't think of any god or goddess who was more unlike him. He nodded trying to look as cool as Annabeth did. Then he heard a ring from his backpack. He looked alarmed, no one ever called him. And so did Annabeth. She looked almost panicked.

Percy answered his phone. "Hello? Mom? What's going on?"

"Hey honey, just wanted to know where you are, me and Paul are leaving in five minutes remember? Are you near? Do you have time to say goodbye?"

Percy cursed under his breath but Annabeth heard him and looked even more scared. "Sorry mom, I completely forgot. I'm not coming home yet, I'm with a... um... a friend." Percy's eyes flashed to Annabeth who didn't seem to mind being called a friend. "But have a great trip and I'll see you on Monday okay?"

Percy could hear the surprise in his mom's voice. "A friend? Well, that's lovely my dear! Have a great time! See you, love you!"

"I love you too", Percy smiled when he hung up.

Annabeth looked worried. "It is dangerous enough to use a phone when you're alone but now there are two demigods at the same place with a phone. We are probably going to die."

"Don't worry, if someone comes, I'll kick their ass", Percy said trying to sound assuring but had to sit down as he had been standing up too long.

Annabeth chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you couldn't kick even a teddy bear's ass right now."

Percy tried to scowl at her but it was hard when she had a good point.

"So your folks are away this weekend? Is there anyone who could take care of you if you went home?" Annabeth came closer and checked his shoulder that was bleeding again. He couldn't eat any more ambrosia or he would burn to ashes.

Annabeth placed two fingers on Percy's neck and he twitched a little out of surprise. Her fingers were cold but steady as she felt his pulse. Percy shrugged even though he knew he had no one else than his mom and Paul.

"I'll be fine I think." Percy tried to sound assuring but had a hard time keeping his head up.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes. "No you're not okay and you will certainly not be okay if you go home alone. I think you might have a concussion so someone has to make sure you are okay. You are not going anywhere unless I know you have someone to look after you."

"You can't just keep me here if I don't want to", Percy said resentfully imagining all the awkward moments they would have.

"Well first of all, at least now, I'm a lot stronger than you so I could fight you if I wanted and I didn't save you just so you could go home and die." Annabeth crossed her hands on her chest and looked pretty intimidating.

Percy knew she had a good point and sighed. Annabeth saw a victory from his face and smiled cheerfully.

"My dad and stepmother aren't coming home before Monday so it's okay. You can have the guest room."

Annabeth sat next to Percy again and turned the tv on. Percy looked at Annabeth again. He saw the little cut on her cheek was still bleeding a little bit. He was about to touch it with his hand when he stopped himself.

"You have a cut on your face, you should probably clean it up", he said instead, trying to sound careless.

Annabeth touched her face and seemed to notice the cut. She stood up and walked to the kitchen. Percy looked at her as she cleaned the cut in the kitchen. She had her back towards Percy. Her shirt had been lifted up a bit and was revealing her lower back. Percy knew it wasn't his place to look, but he knew if he was closer he would see the name of her soulmate. Now he was too far away to see it.

Slowly he stood up trying to make it seem casual. Like getting water or something. As he was closer to her he could see the careful handwriting on her back. There wasn't any symbol next to the name. It was two words but they made him freeze.

Perseus Jackson.

Soulmates? (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now