Chapter Two

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Miley's flank rose and fell at a steady pace, her breathing long and slow as she slept. Suddenly, she bolted upright, her eyes fluttering open. Her gaze swept across the room, her paws sinking down into the cushion of her bed as the tufts of fabric stuck between her toes. "Harvey?" The red tabby meowed, her ears pricked to their fullest extent as she searched for her friend. She pulled herself to her feet, sliding out from the bed and onto the wooden floor. Placing her paws calmly against the solid ground ground, she walked forward, padding straight into another room.

Miley spotted a dusty brown tom dozing peacefully on top of a couch, his lighter colored belly exposed to the sun's light. "Harvey!" She purred, lingering on his name as she arched her back in a luxurious stretch, before leaping onto the soft surface to greet the tom. "Wake up, fluff head!" She poked and prodded at his side, urging him to awaken from his peaceful slumber. A glint of satisfaction appeared in Miley's brown eyes as Harvey stirred, a small groan escaping his muzzle.

"What is it, Miley?" The brown tom groaned, his paws swiping blindly at the air as he remained in his position, his eyes still squeezed shut. At one last prod from Miley, he tossed himself upwards, his amber eyes flashing open. He scrambled to his paws, shoving Miley off the couch in doing so.

Miley's paws scrabbled against the hardwood floor as she caught her balance, quickly pulling herself to stand straight. She flicked her ears as her friend blinked down at her, his head tilted to the side.

"What do you want?" Harvey meowed, his paws dangling over the edge of the sofa.

Miley's gaze darted to and fro, trying to find an excuse as to why she had roused Harvey. Her eyes landed on the perfect item, it's purple fur nearly glowing in the midst of her excitement. Miley pounced forward, her paws hooking the stuffed mouse as she hurled it into the air. She reared onto her hind legs and batted it towards Harvey, taking perfect aim as it flew forward and bounced off his muzzle.

"You're it!" She cried, landing gracefully on all fours. She twisted around, bounding forward to escape Harvey as he scooped the toy mouse up in his jaws, the tom catching onto the game. "You'll never catch me!" Miley teased, tossing back her head as laughter rippled through her bones.

Harvey leaped down from the chair, landing heavily on the ground with a thud. He took a moment to gather himself before thrusting after Miley, the mouse dangling from his jaws.

He cocked back his head, slacking his jaw and sending the purple toy flying. "Yes I will!" He exclaimed, stopping in his pawsteps to watch the toy fly through the air. It missed Miley by a whisker's length, and the she-cat let out a joyous yowl. Miley streaked forward, her red tabby tail streaming behind her. She dove through a flap in a glass door, a sudden whisk of wind rushing through her fur as it flopped shut behind her.

The red tabby slowed her run to a trot, turning quickly around to peer through the glass door. Her paws pricked against the cold snow covered ground as she slowed to a halt, peering through the window to see what Harvey's reaction would be.

The large tom's tail swept angrily back and forth, and his jaws were parted in a frustrated yowl. A small twist of guilt tugged at Miley's heart, but she ignored it. She understood how afraid her friend was if the outside, and he obviously disliked the fact that she used it against him. She pushed away the guilt and waved her tail teasingly at Harvey, a smile parted into her jaws.

Harvey's ears flattened, and he spun around to march away. Miley's head inclined lightly to the side as she watched her friend disappear into the far corners of the den, blinking for just a moment. She shook out her fur, and turned around, padding across the snow covered yard and to the fence that towered above her. She wriggled her haunches, and thrust herself up, her claws digging ungracefully into the wooden sides. Her hind paws scrabbled against the wood as she hauled herself up, her tail lashing as she fought for balance. The wood shook lightly and a small spray of snow tumbled down onto her nose, until finally, her fighting eased, and she crouched at the top of the fence for a few lasting moments.

Warriors: Rise of the Weather [1] : The Journey Begins (OLD/DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now