Chapter Twenty-One

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Edited ✔️

"Mosspounce, Splinterpaw, Streamflower, Tortoisefoot, Slopepaw, Snowdrift, Leaningwhisker, Redspark, Yellowtuft, Beetlepaw, and Twigpool!" Pebblestar yowled, his tail thrashing as he stood at the camp's bramble entrance. "We're going to the gathering. Get your tails over here." The chosen cats made their way to the front of camp, the only sound aside from chirping crickets that filled the clearing was the gentle murmurs of eager warriors and the scuffing of paws against the lightly coated ground of snow.

Snowdrift and Streamflower padded alongside each other as their clan padded towards the gathering island. Silhouettes of cats could be seen jumping onto the fallen tree bridge and cautiously making their way across, fading into the shadows of the island that glowed in the full moon's light. Soon enough, ThunderClan arrived, however being the last clan to make it to the gathering. One by one, the clan made their way across the tree, water sloshing against the bark. Splinterpaw momentarily lost his footing with a startled cry, his paws slithering helplessly against the damp bark. His mentor, Mosspounce, caught hold of his scruff to steady him, helping the new apprentice regain his posture on the tree before gruffly turning away.

Snowdrift was up next, and easily he leaped up into the fallen tree, his tail held confidently up into the air, while also helping to keep himself balanced. Water slapped hungrily against the tree bridge, a bit of the cold liquid splashing over Snowdrift's paws. He shuffled forward, sudden fear clenching his heart. But before he knew it, he had made it to the other side, his chest's tightness loosening as he dropped onto the snowy grass floor.

Glancing back, he saw Streamflower leap down beside him, shaking out her fur with a light-hearted purr. "I'll be off to speak with some other warriors." She meowed, flicking her tail across Snowdrift's muzzle in a playfully affectionate gesture. Snowdrift chuckled lightly as the warrior bolted off to gossip with others. This must be exciting for her. He thought to himself. It is in fact her first gathering as a warrior. I wonder if Pebblestar will make an announcement on it. As if on queue, the four leaders of the clans made their ways up the great tree, each cat settling on their own separate branch.

Dunestar, the leader of RiverClan, spoke first, her startlingly bright ginger fur ruffled lightly as she kept herself warm in the leafbare chill. "RiverClan is thriving this moon," she meowed, her plump and sleek pelt proving her claims to be truthful. "The river is flourishing with fish, keeping my clan healthy and well. I also have to announce the arrival of Blossomwing's three newborn kits, already strong for surviving so far into this cold season." Murmurs of congratulations rippled throughout the cats from the gathered clans, and Dunestar gave a short nod to Heronstar of ShadowClan.

The light gray dappled tom smiled warmly, before he began his announcements, providing news on the making of one new warrior, Owlsoar. Jaystar, leader of WindClan announced the good running of prey, before finally allowing Pebblestar to speak for ThunderClan.

The gray spotted tom stood on his branch, his golden yellow eyes sharpened as he let his gaze sweep amongst the crowd. "Our clan is stronger than ever. Littleshine has passed on, and our new deputy is Mosspounce." He growled plainly, keeping any information that may go against his clan silent. Jaystar frowned slightly, her head tilted to the side as her white and black fur rippled.

Pebblestar, without acknowledging the other leaders, leaped down from the tree. He summoned his clan with a flick of his tail. "ThunderClan, we're leaving." He yowled. The clan slowly gathered around the tree bridge, waiting for a few moments.

Snowdrift, like usual, fell into pace beside Streamflower, his tail entwining with hers. A few moments passed as Pebblestar counted the warriors, before turning and climbing across the tree bridge. The gathered warriors quickly followed behind their leader, hushed whispers coming from each cat as they discussed what they'd learned at the gathering. Snowdrift and Streamflower however padded along in a comfortable silence, their fur brushing together and their eyes seeming to flicker in the other's direction on occasion, no matter the disappointment showing in Streamflower's gaze, for Pebblestar hadn't announced her making of being a warrior. Finally, Snowdrift shattered the quiet with a small meow to his mate.

"Streamflower," he began slowly, his tail trailing away from Streamflower's gray striped one. Curiously, the gray she-cat cast her gaze in his direction, blinking lightly as her ears flicked forward in a sign that he had her attention. Snowdrift slowed his pace before he continued, his tail swaying steadily. "I think we need to leave the clans," he confessed. "Lately I've been thinking about my dream — it seems much more like a prophecy than a dream. It was far too real, and, well, it had told me to follow the brightest star. And look." Snowdrift tilted his muzzle towards the sky, and Streamflower followed his gaze to a star that twinkled brightly, much brighter than the other stars against the navy sky.

Hesitantly, Streamflower stopped walking, Snowdrift following suit. "Continue?" Streamflower pressed, her whiskers quivering.

"I think StarClan wants us to leave, and follow the brightest star. Littleshine's death was a huge thing, and it doesn't seem right that she was killed — if that is what happened — so soon after that dream I had. It's like it happened on purpose. Streamflower, it was us who found the body, and it was us who know about the dream I had." Snowdrift swallowed, suddenly realizing how much he had ranted. Biting back his concern, he continued. "Streamflower...I want that greater destiny that prophecy told me of. I want to be happy. With you...and somewhere outside of ThunderClan."

A long silence followed, the lake lapping against the shore as the two cats looked at each other, their clanmates long gone. A few endless moments seemed to pass, before finally, Streamflower spoke, pressing her nose to Snowdrift's, fog coming from her barely parted mouth as she breathed out the words.

"Alright. I'll go with you."

The journey has now begun.

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